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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • There’s a lot more that Buttplug.io supports. It’s an entire open source framework that others can build stuff onto to control sex toys. As for why these? Eh why not? Single player games don’t exactly require the consent of other players if you’re getting your rocks off to game controlled sex toys, and multi-player games should only be used if you do actually have consent.

    Specifically for ultrakill’s officially supported mod, that’s just the kind of thing they’d do. They also made body pillow covers of Gabriel and V1 as official merch. And yes they are in those kinds of poses.

  • I mean, you’re not wrong but I’m not sure what you’re trying to get at. Yeah front end and backend development are very different skillets, but my point is the people working and coding and making the game generally do actually know what they’re doing, but its middle managers are given orders from on high by execs, most of whom probably haven’t touched a video game ever in their lives, keeping the board of directors happy with quarterly profit increases.

    I wasn’t talking about the horizontal divide between front end and back end devs, but the vertical divide between management/executives and the devs and techs.

  • Ugh I hate these arguments about giving bad actors easier access. Bad actors are going to figure out flaws and security holes whether it’s open source or not. Security through obfuscation is a temporary measure and having more eyes on the source means more chances for good actors to find flaws and publicize them for fixes.