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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • I live in a city with elevations and I’m hard pressed to find any MPVs on the road. I see MPV (vans) broken down on the side of the road because they lack the horsepower to go up and down the highway every day. I don’t have an issue with MPVs and wish most short haul businesses used them instead of pick-up trucks, but they just don’t offer the same benefits as an SUV.

    I own an SUV (clearly), it gets good mileage (27-34), I travel across the country in it, and I can’t tell you how many times it has been useful on the pavement having that extra power and height for safety reasons. Is the hate on SUVs how big they are? Is it because it’s considered a symbol of status? MPVs are not better mileage wise, unless you are comparing a new MPV to an older 2001 SUV. Hell, Jeeps have the worst MPG and no one is complaining about them.

  • Interesting. I saw the Qidi X-Plus 3 advertises 600mm/s vs Bambu P1S 500mm/s. And the P1S doesn’t offer a heated chamber. Have you noticed a difference in quality from the heated chamber?

    I haven’t yet been convinced of the bambu cool-aid mainly because of closed software. Klipper support is a big value prop. Who knows how long bambu will support OS versions and what happens if they start charging for cloud. It’s a young company, so not a lot of confidence yet.

  • I appreciate your opinion. I know that the qualification I made is a controversial one as everyone wants to be an ‘engineer’, but I’m still confident it holds. Applying physics is not purely at the atomic level. In web development, one of the physical challenges can be bandwidth, however, while most people claim to concerned about bandwidth, in reality they don’t do anything about it. Minifying code is cool, but that’s not doing any engineering by itself. Calculating the throughput your datacenter can dish out for your 1million users as you write a function that optimizes load vs lag of streaming video, that’s engineering.

    Thinking about user interaction and experience is more psychological than it is physical in most cases. Designing the user experience of a medical device or cockpit switch are both not automatically qualified for engineering: unless, you are designing the medical interface to overcome spasms that someone with Parkinson’s has, or, the cockpit switch is designed with a plastic mix to survive the temperature, vibration or weight requirement, it’s going to be more of an art-than-science. I’m not saying one is worse, but we need to make the distinction between designers, developers, scientists and engineers.

    I understand that everyone wants to be an engineer, whether for pride or just to feel more important (hell I want the engineer title too). Unfortunately, the tech industry (with arguably one of the most conflated egos) liberally tossed around software engineering to every role to attract talent and I don’t see that changing. It’s a profession, so whatever you are being paid to do will determine if you are engineering

  • I typically tell people that engineering is applying physics. If you aren’t directly interacting with the physical world, you are most likely a developer.

    Working on an app, no matter how complex (or unessarily convoluted) generally makes you a developer. If you aren’t thinking about impact of clock cycles, actuation/hardware interfaces or sensing, there is a high chance that the work you do has little to no risk or a chance of failure that is governed by the physical world. As said in other comments, engineers design and sign off on things. There is an implication that there is an unknown constraint, unlike a fully observable software environment.

  • Just took a look at Framework, it’s a cool concept. I wish the company was older just to see how it forms it’s sea legs. As a mass market item, I can’t imagine the general populace upgrading their own laptop over time, though maybe I’m just old. I didn’t see any computers made from Valve, but I had not thought of them as a hardware company.

    But yeah I agree, companies will form their optimization function for profits not people (by design) so people should never put their faith in them. This M1 Air is my first Mac, but I do have to say it is really nice. Excited to see what other companies do to combat it.