Use mailx along with a .mailrc file? Once .mailrc is set up it should just need:
$ echo ‘is this working?’ | mailx -s Test <recipient>
Not sure exactly what .mailrc needs for gmail but there are tons of guides out there.
Use mailx along with a .mailrc file? Once .mailrc is set up it should just need:
$ echo ‘is this working?’ | mailx -s Test <recipient>
Not sure exactly what .mailrc needs for gmail but there are tons of guides out there.
Probably doing that anyway
you dont say the o/s but if the pkg manager works, or you can add a statically compiled version, you could force reinstall all pkgs with the discogs plugin has never failed me. If its on discogs you will get tags
Depends if you’re using a graphical login manager or not. If so, you’ll have to search the name of it and ‘autologin’ in your favourite search engine. Its typically no more then checking a box and adding your username.
I dont use a graphical login manager, I just let it boot up and agetty (from util-linux) logs me directly into my shell (because I added -u ’ to the config.). Then my shell profile takes care of starting the graphical environment for me.
Its just personal choice but I dont see any point in a login manager when Im the only one logging in. I understand that it may come as part of the desktop suite though. I prefer to start with nothing and add what I want versus getting everything and removing what I dont want
for 1, in linux no output is often indicitive of no problem. To verify if your previous command exited successfully, type ‘echo $?’ at the command line and if its anything but 0 its an error.
For 3, I do the same but since I’m the only user I auto login so its still just one password to enter to get to a desktop. Cheap and never had a problem wirh them.
Who owns the mounted files and what are the permissions? $ ls -l /path/to/mounted/sdcard
Loguru… dunno about lightweight and fast but its definitly easier (for me) than the standard module (and it is colourized)
Qtile… the default bar is really nice to use and if you know a little python every aspect of the WM is easy to hack around in. Docs are great too.