Burying lines may or may not be progress. That’s not what I said
Glad to hear it’s going well in Western Europe, but that’s far from the norm.
My point is trees are much more than wood.
2 big problems with that statement. 1st, it’s being harvested at a much greater rate than it’s being replenished. Second, old trees and old forests are far more valuable to the ecosystem than the cookie cutter “forests” planted after harvests.
Just reality. I thought it was pretty clear but I’ll say it anyway, it’s angry about deforestation, with a particular emphasis on old trees, hundreds, setumes thousand year old lynchpins in an already devastated ecosystems.
Yeah, creepy right? Just wanted to note we eat the fruit of the fungi. The mycelium would be the “living” part.
In the same vein, driving gas cars