ESU is a paid service for enterprise. They didn’t even offer ESU for windows 7 home at all for any price.
Windows 7 pro ESU per device cost $50 for 1 year, $100 for the next year, $200 for the final year.
Windows 7 enterprise was per device 1 year $25, second year $50, and 3rd year $100.
Micro$oft is not going to give win10 ESU away for free and they probably won’t supported home edition.
You can however bypass the win11 hardware checks to upgrade unsupported devices.
There is a reason it’s slightly more expensive tho. They don’t even bother to force or nag you to connect to Wi-Fi / Internet so the manufacturer can start selling data on what you watch… Sony charges a little more because the TV is for profit, instead of your data being the profit product.
They aren’t all that much more expensive at Costco anyway. Also it’s not like I’m buying a TV ever few years.
Shit my Sony Trinitron CRT still works. That really is buy it for life. Less can be said about Walmart specials.