I’m not sure if that’s a real website. I’m not checking.
Never had an issue with being motivated. Crippling anxiety issues really are one hell of a motivation. I just want that stressful thing off my proverbial plate.
I can say from that perspective. Start with the easy tasks first. Under 5 minutes? Go do it. Then the harder ones. It’s a lot better to see that you had 10 things on the to-do list and most are already done.
Put your phone in airplane mode. Don’t distract yourself. TV off too.
I don’t believe this is mandatory.
Unemployment counts the last 5 quarters. If you get fired before a quarter ends it doesn’t count it as a full quarter.
I left a different job making a lot more because of my health. I knew the manager at this new job and he saw I wanted a position that I was already in. Less hours, about the same pay.
When I was unemployed it counted the vacation I was reimbursed upon my leave from the previous company and the massive amount of overtime I was making from the previous job. If they would have fired me 4 days later, I would have been in the new quarter and gotten a lot less.
Got the boot from a company.
Here’s the BS I had to deal with: -I was dealing with health issues when I was working. -My former coworker actively tried to make my condition worse. -I reported them for this to management & HR -Got fired, as they had friends in HR. -They filled out the unemployment paperwork wrong 4 times. -The unemployment case was so messed up, the local government got involved.
The positives. -Company deamed at fault and heavily scolded by the government. -I got paid more on unemployment than when working. -I make ~25% more at my new job.
That was ~2 years ago.
Hey, maybe she just wants course ground yarrow for tea.
Anxiety is awful for me. When it hits, I just want to take a nap the rest of the day.
A Marijuana grinder. I like foraging for foods, so I tend to use the grinder on things like Staghorn Sumac, or Spice Bush to make a course grind. It allows a lot of control on how much you want to use and how fine, unlike a blender.
Before it’s asked, I actually have never smoked weed. It was listed as a “spice grinder” and I never thought it was for weed when I got it.
Advertising actively pisses me off. I went from IT is cool, to I need a break from these ads/techology on the weekend and I go hiking. I throw my phone in airplane mode and go. It’s liberating. I’m expecting ads here too.
Hit me up if you need to. I have no problems if you do so.
Woah mine is advertising Spaghetti O’s or Cheerios! It also makes cool sounds, but It’s bass is turned up too high. Sometimes it provides free samples, but I don’t recommend them, as they taste like shit. Not that I would know what shit tastes like.
Okay, that I know little about then. Not that I know about Cock and Ball Torture either. I cannot offer advice there. I was just expecting the Internet to say off the wall Internet memes as the Internet does.
First off, you are 21. Be okay with that. When I was 21 I definitely didn’t have my shit together. It’s a crap economy everywhere.
Take less classes. If you need to focus your studies, do so. It took me 4.5 years to get my 2 year degree. Finally got my driver’s license, got a shitty car, and got a decent job in 2 weeks. Talk about hurry up and wait. I was 23.
Don’t beat yourself up things will get better. I have friends that are in their late 30s/mid 40s that live with their parents. Not because they messed up, but they could never get ahead.
I had a teacher once say to me, “Aim for the moon, if you miss you will end up in the stars” It was accurate. Set lofty goals, sometimes with the expectation of failing. Take Retirement it’s an odd example. I want to retire at 48. Will I? Fuck no. But is it a failure if I retire at 53?
I have OCD, Anxiety, Panic Disorder, Dyslexia, Sensory issues, Insomnia, Anemia, and heart issues. But I also was born stubborn. And being stubborn was a gift. Don’t give up.
coaches seem to focus more on CBT
Cock and Ball Torture??? You need different coaches. That took a wild turn.
Well then. Well. That’s that is a thing yes.
Death Metal Æther Realm, Heaven Shall Burn
What a time to be alive. We are in an age where every new technology shall be seen as a way to produce more advertisements.