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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 12th, 2023


  • Sort of sounds like a take on the Italian salsa verde. I’d do some research on whether or not fried garlic will prevent botcolism from forming. It’s a risk when making garlic infused oil. The other thing I’d worry about is the less sturdy greens wilting.

    You might want to look into he European red pepper sauces likes Mojo Pican, Hungarian ajivar, or romanesco for inspiration.

    Good luck and I hope you make something delicious.

  • There’s a lot of assumptions here.

    Significant isn’t specific. A specific number would give us an idea if the rate of crime committed by undocumented persons exceeds, meets, or continues to fall short of the other two groups.

    Next, you’re assuming that the victims of violent crimes by undocumented workers are other undocumented workers. This, to some degree makes sense. But it’s not 100%.

    Next, poverty in of itself isn’t sufficient to predict rates of crime. Crime is a choice taken when there aren’t other avenues available. Arguably, the reasons undocumented peoples move here is because their prospects are better here. That is to say, they chose to leave their people to come here instead of staying there and commiting crime. This isn’t, obviously, specific. But it’s a factor you didn’t consider.

    Finally, what do you mean by class? There’s a lot of usages.

    This isn’t an argument to say you are wrong. It’s an argument that you have been specific or open to other factors.

  • They want to keep their monthly mortgage payment between $3,000 and $3,500 — or around 30% of their monthly take-home income of about $11,000.

    This makes it seem like they only take home a little more than half their wages.

    Something doesn’t add up. The only issue I see is one might be an independent contractor. Or they’re excluding health insurance and 401k.

    Edit: some quick digging. First issue is the definition of take home pay.

    Take-home pay is the net amount of income received after the deduction of taxes, benefits, and voluntary contributions from a paycheck. It is the difference resulting from the subtraction of all deductions from gross income. Deductions include federal, state and local income tax, Social Security and Medicare contributions, retirement account contributions, and medical, dental and other insurance premiums. The net amount or take-home pay is what the employee receives.

    But the bigger issue is the 30% rule. 30% is on gross and not take home. This would give them a out 7k per month. I bet they’re following the advice of someone like a Dave Ramsey. These people are not victims.

  • “As soon as the land of any country has all become private property, the landlords, like all other men, love to reap where they never sowed, and demand a rent even for its natural produce. The wood of the forest, the grass of the field, and all the natural fruits of the earth, which, when land was in common, cost the labourer only the trouble of gathering them, come, even to him, to have an additional price fixed upon them. He must then pay for the licence to gather them, and must give up to the landlord a portion of what his labour either collects or produces. This portion, or, what comes to the same thing, the price of this portion, constitutes the rent of land, and in the price of the greater part of commodities, makes a third”.
    ― Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations

  • Healthy and unhealthy are composite binary terms that aren’t useful. Specific, contextualized terms are more useful and allow for people to make better choices for the situation.

    Maple syrup has considerable benefits as an alternative to HFCS. First, it’s glycemic index is lower which results in a decrease in blood glucose levels. On top of that, it appears that it promotes insulation secretion.

    Maple syrup is particularly rich in abscisic acid. This acid presents a strong defense against diabetes and metabolic syndrome because it promotes the excretion of insulin from pancreatic cells and boosts fat cells’ sensitivity to insulin.

    As a whole, in order to reduce ones propensity to diabetes, reduce sugar intake. Then, if further steps are needed and reduction is no longer an option, find appropriate substitutes. From the abstract:

    This review presents detailed information about the nutritional, organoleptic, and pharmacological properties of maple syrup. Studies carried out on animal models and a limited number of human models emphasize the potential benefits of maple syrup as a substitute for refined sugars, indicating that it could contribute to improved metabolic health when used in moderation. However, further medical and nutritional health studies based on human health assessments are needed to better understand the mechanisms of action of the various components of maple syrup and its potential therapeutic properties to demonstrate a stronger justification for its consumption relative to refined sugars. In addition, we compare maple syrup and common sweeteners to provide a further critical perspective on the potential nutritional and health benefits of maple syrup.

    And the final sentence:

    More studies are needed to better understand how much maple syrup could be ingested, as part of a regular diet, to promote these pharmacological properties without triggering obesity or weight-related disorders.

  • This podcast episode strong critiques the technical challenges, lifecycle costs, and market effort of hydrogen. I was hydro-curious before this, but it really seems unfeasible.

    The chemical engineer being interviewed, Paul Martin, has been working with hydrogen for years.

    Paul Martin is a Canadian chemical engineer with decades of experience making and using hydrogen and syngas. As a chemical process development specialist, Paul offers services to an international clientele via his private consultancy Spitfire Research. He is also co-founder of the Hydrogen Science Coalition, a nonprofit organization providing science-based information about hydrogen from a position free from commercial interest