• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023

  • He is the head of LTT which might be a reason someone hates him. LTT has a track record of “don’t ask questions, just consoom product” reviews. Basically every product gets recommended, which makes the reviews kinda pointless. This has kinda improved after Gamer Nexus’ critique but not really (see Just Josh’s video). Also some wounds cannot be healed like making a sponsored “Gaming at 8K with nVidia” video before the RTX 30 series released even though they could not game at 8K@60Hz or, my personal favourite, comparing the Intel’s (10th gen) bulk CPU prices to AMD’s retail.

    He’s in a similar position as Marques Brownlie. They are the most popular reviewers despite/because they make garbage reviews. I used to hate MKBHD for that but I am grown up now. I could see why someone would hate Linus though.

  • I don’t know how to say it in a polite way but you are annoying. Original commenter stated that they want to keep the politics out to which you answered with a political argument that can basically be translated to “You are stupid”.

    I guess you come from some internet political circle where the “My idea is the best and everyone else is dumb” is tolerated because generally these “communities” have common views. But this /c/ is not a place for that. People don’t share a singular opinion here so if everyone acted like you, this fun linux forum would no longer be so fun. Everyone would just crap on each other because each would think their opinion is the best and others are dumb.

    I personally come here to relax or something, not get tired by arguments.

  • I cannot give you any source, unless you want to waste hours of your time watching some car videos. The difference between an n-word pass and rice-pass is what you mean with that. Some secret way of saying the n-word does not change its racist connotation but a ricer by default has nothing to do with race. If you want to be racist, you would have to explicitly specify that you are talking about the owner’s race or the car’s origin or whatever.

    The term is so far removed from any malicious origin, that some people wouldn’t even know they should feel offended, unless someone told them they should be.

    That’s not normal human behavior. Try to imagine it. 3 people are going down the street. One of them points out that a car on the street is “riced”. Second one tells the third who is of Japanese origin, that he should get offended because of the word’s origin. It would be weird to get offended because someone told you to.

  • Some of them are. According to wikipedia, it originated as a communist movement but later became a different name for “classic liberal” because American left-wingers “stole” the term “liberal”.

    I guess you could argue that classic liberal cannot be conservative because they don’t want to conserve the status quo, they want to go back to some earlier state. But when you present some regulation in front of them, they take the conservative stance - being against it.

    On a different note OP hit itself in its confusion, there are definitely libertarian Linux users. Look at Mental Oulaw (anarchist) and Luke Smith. edit: or go to some Odysee comment section. Apart from the crash test dummies who hate Mozilla because “the trannies!!! >:(”, you will find libertarians.

  • Languages evolve over time. The term “to serve” is derived from the Latin word for “slave”. That does not mean it’s somehow offensive to use the term to describe the job of soldiers.

    The modern day “riced” comes from “R.I.C.E” which stands for “race inspired car enhancement”. If you rice a car, it means you put components that look like race car components but are actually just cosmetic. Fake vents, huge spoilers on family cars, exhausts that are optically bigger, etc. The orange Japanese car in the linked article is an example of that. 70s Japan had renown ricing culture so I guess that’s where the R.I.C.E and the racist “rice burner” split.

    Nowadays people who use the term “riced” don’t even know that at some point in time it had something to do with Asian cars or bikes. It’s even common to jokingly associate it with the food with the same name to spite other car nerds because you can “um actually” bait someone to correct you that it has nothing to do with food. Which is obviously not true according to the article but if 99 % of people don’t know the racist origin, it’s not an issue at all to use the word.

  • Nobody is stopping you from discussing it. So far your only contribution to the discussion was bitching about others bitching.

    If we limit the discussion to the selfhosted realm, I agree with these people bitching. Nextcloud is too bloated and slow, while not providing many benefits over individual services. You would at least expect it feature ease of use over having individual apps but nope because when you install an update, there is high chance of breakage. End to end encryption has been losing people files for years. Which is imo a big deal in “private cloud”.

    I guess my point is that the “bitching” is our discussion and you and people who upvoted your comment are free to join it and perhaps provide some examples of your Nextcloud setup and why you think it’s good. I’m sure most of us will be nice and won’t tell you to keep your comments to yourself.

  • I also don’t have any numbers. It was anecdotal evidence, I’m sure your experience is different. I mean it probably doesn’t even matter whether it’s source based because these obscure packages should compile pretty fast anyways.

    idk I guess my initial argument should be changed to something like “each does some things differently, one might prefer one or the other, in my experience void does binary packages a bit better although it doesn’t really matter tbh”

  • I see. I honestly don’t know how to do the multi monitor thing. The lazy part of me would avoid it if possible. A simple alternative could be something like a real RDP session on one monitor and a virtual monitor on the other. Obviously the issue would be that you would have 2 sessions opened at the same time instead of a single desktop. Another simple hack would be to expand the spice client over both of your monitors and set the VM’s resolution equal to the size of your 2 monitors combined.

    But yeah I highly recommend Quickemu. It basically looks just like Windows on full screen if familiarity is your main issue. It also has alternative spice viewers in settings if you dislike the stock one.

  • With winapps you mean the tool that lets you use RDP to control a Virtual Machine as if it were a regular linux window? (edit: stupid question - you even specified the repo you got it from) If that’s slow, that wouldn’t be a winapps problem but rather virtualization problem since you should not feel the difference between an app running in a VM and a native app if it’s set up properly.

    Have you tried Quickemu? It should setup your windows VM for optimal performance automagically. There is even a graphical interface for it called Quickgui and both are available by running a single command on Ubuntu/Mint. Another thing might be not enough cores/RAM given to the VM.

    Someone mentioned looking glass, which is imo an overkill for you, unless you’re doing some graphically intensive stuff like gaming in the VM.