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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • Nope, been playing it for a couple days now. It’s just the same as it ever was. The web port itself is seamless (been playing on Firefox with a 10-year-old Macbook), but the game has a clunky, PITA UI.

    It’s kinda maddening in that no matter how well you clear every level, your character is likely to stall at some point and you’ll have to start over. For anybody who doesn’t know, you can start the game over again using the same character and re-loot the same levels; they don’t respawn once you clear them otherwise. In this way you can continually train up your character to make it further into the dungeon. At first it seems like this was a mistake, but then it seems that it actually was a design decision. It was the first of its kind, so it gets a pass I suppose.

    The shopkeepers inventory also does not cycle until you buy something and then that slot refills. So whatever you’ve got is what you’ve got. Unlike most of the games that came after, you are actually somewhat dependent on the shopkeepers for decent gear.

    That said, it’s still fun. Really fun. It’s not hard to see why it started something.

  • I disapprove of other people’s choices only when it negatively impacts the life of others. If sex work is legal and regulated and taxed and there is a robust social safety net, then all that’s left to disapprove of is the sex itself, which is for religious zealots, not normal people. Sex is a drive honed over hundreds of millions of years, there is literally nothing more normal.

    If it has been made illegal, then I may disapprove of the laws which make it illegal (ie: we don’t disapprove of anti-trafficking laws), but if such laws are in place, I cannot approve of the illegal work, because unsavory shit comes along with it that negatively impacts other people.

  • What is religion, if not conjecture about the origin of mankind (and by extension the universe) that people believe without evidence?

    Religion identifies the simulator and insists that its intermediaries can offer a liaison between you and them, and also that if you don’t believe in their particular simulator, you will be punished. It has been used for centuries to control the populace and to take their money.

    A proponent of simulation theory isn’t likely to tell you that it solves any philosophical problems, or that they now understand the universe wholly. I’ve never heard anyone talking about it claim that they know who/what is behind the simulation.

    So IMO the distinction between the two couldn’t be more clear.

    I imagine there’s at least a couple wacko groups out of there trying to twist simulation theory into a purely religious endeavor, but that wouldn’t represent the mainstream conversation about it.

  • Supervisor194@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.ml6÷2(1+2)
    9 months ago

    ChatGPT’s Answer:

    The expression 6/2(1+2) involves both multiplication and division. According to the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS), you should perform operations inside parentheses first, then any multiplication or division from left to right.

    Let’s break down the expression step by step:

    Inside the parentheses: 1 + 2 = 3

    Now the expression becomes 6/2 * 3

    Division: 6/2 = 3

    Multiplication: 3 * 3 = 9

    So, 6/2(1+2) is equal to 9.

  • Supervisor194@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlIt's a simple world view
    9 months ago

    Amazingly well put. Capitalism is necessary. Unrestrained capitalism is deadly. The unfortunate reality of capitalism is that even as it is in the process of burning everything to the ground, it looks for all the world like glorious success. And it is glorious success, if you don’t compare it to what could be in a system where it was properly restrained.

  • Supervisor194@lemmy.worldtoFuck Cars@lemmy.mlinsane infrastructure needed
    10 months ago

    Chick-Fil-A has been around more than my whole life. I remember going there as a kid in the mall. I remember going there as an adult in the mall.

    At no time eating at Chick-Fil-A do I once recall thinking to myself “goddamn, this is exceptional!” It’s a chicken sandwich. It’s not particularly good or bad, and I am not into waffle fries.

    At no time eating at Chick-Fil-A did I once think “this line is too long, I will eat elsewhere.” I don’t recall ever seeing a line at all.

    Long about 1986 they started making standalone locations, but I never saw any until the 2000s. I never went, because I had long since decided that mediocre chicken sandwiches weren’t really my thing. However, since I first noticed the standalone locations I have also noticed that their lines have consistently gotten longer and longer. It’s interesting that the growth of these lines seem to have coincided with the rise of social media, but I won’t get too tinfoil-hatty here.

    So anyway. One day, I decided I should give them a try - obviously, they’re getting something right, right? Let’s see what all the hype is about.

    Yeah no, it’s the exact same mediocre shit. It’s fine. It’s not great, it’s OK for fast food, maybe even slightly above average. But is it good enough to wait in a line like this that wraps around the building twice? No, thank you.

    So I guess what I am saying is, I’m with you. I have to figure it’s the power of marketing, because the only thing they’ve done that I can see is increase their marketing. Also their marketing - at least the public marketing (who knows what guerilla shit they do on social media to keep those lines growing) - is super weird. Cows exhorting you to eat chicken, because they don’t want to die. I suppose given that cows have no messiah, this is a perfectly reasonable position for them to hold in the eyes of the Chick-Fil-A Illuminati, but idk.

    Want a chicken sandwich? I can name half a dozen local shops that will hook you up with better. Is it fast? Jesus Christ, no. The apologists say yes, given the size of the lines, but I say no, given the size of the lines. I guess that’s a matter of perspective.

    What’s not disputable is that this is fast food that, like all fast food - you can honestly live better without.