In before yadda yadda so glad linux yadda yadda
In before yadda yadda so glad linux yadda yadda
What about Elton John, huh? He’s not famous enough for you, eh? Well what about Michael Jack(son)?? No? How about Betty Boop??
To Mend and Defend, eh?
Ligma Deez
hehe gottem
Why do they need to save the tracked period data to a server farm? Why can’t it just be saved on the phone, huh?
Kind of like Zeus and Jupiter refer to the same god, just through a Greek versus Roman lens
Good, I think you should pass an intelligence test to go online
“Passion” for getting taken advantage of
That’ll teach them for asking for fair representation!
I’ve heard of Mench on a Bench but never Robotty on the Potty
Sometimes we all need a little help from our mortal enemies
Just like my wife
I miss Netbooks. Chromebooks suck, but most can be formatted and have linux installed
Like Captain Jack!
I understand that he takes ordinary people and fashions them into weapons
HSBC - Hot Sexy Babes Caressing
Praying for another global pandemic to really cement in the work-from-home paradigm
Oooh, moisturize me, moisturize me!
Your notoriety precedes you, Tolstoy
It’s short for “Boopifer”