They do and the cities around the valley here often provide free trees to homeowners and have programs where they are trying to fill in as much as they can with shade. Some subsidized by the power companies I believe, to reduce power consumption by putting shade next to homes. I ride my bike a lot around the city here and there are a lot of sections with fantastic tree cover on paths and parks. Of course there are also barren sections, but trees can grow well and it is discussed often locally to plant them.
Well I changed my nvidia settings from on demand to a lower value and rebooted Mint a few weeks ago. Then there was no display at all and several hours/days of searching led me to reinstall Linux again and I did not have good backups. There was probably an answer there, but my frustration with Linux is real!!! I still refuse to use anything else and flop between manjaro and mint. I think having proper system backups and a live USB ready to go is helpful…I’m much more defensive running Linux because I keep getting shitty surprises, but I still feel better about it over using windows.