Why not both?
Why not both?
He also fits into 5 black bin bags.
I haven’t really seen it since the beginning of mørketid. It’s been really cloudy until today. But it tends to be visible from within the city quite often. I might be without a car soon anyway. The eu control is coming up and last time it cost almost a whole months paycheck to fix the piece of shit.
Fair enough. Aurora for tax.
Yeah, I moved away from Scotland almost 2 decades ago. I live in Northern Norway. I haven’t seen the sun since November.
I wouldn’t say I qualify as a southerner. I live further north than Inari.
I’m saying anon should cream into his mum’s panties.
Do you live in Scotland? I only ask because it’s a perfect description of Edinburgh buses. And there are an inexplicably large number of Finnish people in Edinburgh. Or were 15 to 20 years ago. Also there was a multiple stabbing at one of the places I lived there, and my next door neighbour had killed 3 people by cutting their throats. (Not a nice part of Edinburgh tbh, but by no means the worst)
At least you’re not reading slop
Must be the drain clogging quantity of thick gluey cum.
I remember reading about a solution to this on Reddit once…
Anons mum isn’t checking her own underwear with a UV light…
Being naturally avoidant of other people. It’s always other people who pose the greatest danger in these situations.
Is it normal for people to set up surveillance cameras in their own home? Are break-ins that common? I just assume no-one will bother with my shitty flat.