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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • What you seem to be against is forcing you to have only one login. That does go against the model we are talking about.

    And it isn’t what’s being suggested.

    Yes - that isn’t what’s being suggested. And that’s entirely irrelevant.

    The correct way to measure the threat a proposal poses isn’t by what’s specifically being proposed, but by what the proposal, if enacted, carries with it - what it necessitates, implies or even just allows.

    As I mentioned before, and this seems to me to be the biggest potential threat vector, unless people host their identities on their own hardware, that information is going to be on someone else’s hardware. And that’s not going to be a charity - it’s going to be a business, that’s going to profit off of it somehow. If this proposal goes through and is relatively widely adopted, there will one day be an industry leader in the identity-hosting business, and that company will have leverage over the fediverse as a whole. And at that point it would be easy enough for them to, for instance, strike a deal with the biggest instances so that the instances, in the name of security or convenience or whatever might suffice, only accept registrations through that particular service.

    I’m not saying that that will happen - only that it could. And that’s enough, in my estimation, to make it a bad idea, because if the history of the internet has shown us anything, it’s that if there’s a way for someone to control something and profit off of it, someone will control it and profit off of it, and the original proposal that made that possible doesn’t mean a damned thing.

  • Nothing about this idea implies centralization.

    It’s a single identity that would be used to log in to all relevant sites. How is that not “centralized?”

    There is no reason identity has to be tied to the platform using the identity

    The reason I prefer that is that then that identity is specific and limited - it’s not me on all sites, but just me on that site. Me on another site is an entirely separate identity.

    …and no reason why there needs to be a central identity store.

    But with this, there is, for all intents and purposes, a central identity “store.” That’s how it would work - I provide whatever ID is used as a trigger and then the site would access “my” “store.” And presumably that would be an ongoing process, since another of the things that’s being floated is the ability to essentially federate all of my content across instances.

    And all of that is going to have to be hosted somewhere, and if I don’t use my own hardware, then it’s going to be hosted on someone else’s hardware, and that means that they - not I - ultimately have control over it. Sure, they can promise that I maintain full control, but that can, as has happened far too many times in the history of the internet, just be a lie.

    Granted that that’s the case currently too, again, it’s decentralized. Each individual instance just has control over my identity on that instance - not over my identity fediverse-wide.

    In fact, right now my identity IS centralized to lemmy.world and I have no control over that.

    Only your lemmy.world identity, which isn’t you.

    Is that the part I’m missing? I still don’t understand what the supposed problem is in the first place. Is it that you feel that your lemmy.world identity is in fact “you?” Like that particular online identity is identical to your actual real world self, so not being able to use one and only one identity throughout the fediverse is existentially unsettling?

    I’m still trying, and failing, to understand how this is a supposed problem in the first place.

    Anyway, only your lemmy.world identity is (by a stretch of the term) “centralized,” and only to lemmy.world, and I guess to whoever it federates with. But that’s not you - that’s just one internet handle, for one site.

    And the worst that can happen is that lemmy.world does something shady, in which case you can just create another identity at another site. And that last, as I understand it, was always the central point of decentralization - to make it so that harm that might be done was limited to only the one instance on which it was done, and couldn’t permanently harm the broader fediverse or an individual’s access to it.

    Having one central identity though means that any harm done to or through that identity is done throughout the fediverse, and to the affected individual on all instances. That seems like a recipe for trouble, and seems to be directly contrary to the ideal of decentralization.

    Your solution to create as many identities as you want is great for avoiding having one identity, but not an example of decentralized identity.

    How is it not? My identity on the fediverse is spread around multiple accounts on multiple instances. That’s about as “decentralized” as it gets.

    Yes - each identity is tied to a specific instance, so can be said to be “central” to that instance, but again, all that means is that that one instance can potentially cause me harm on that one instance. The rest of my identities are out of their control.

    So with this single identity scheme, imagine that it’s somehow compromised or violated or held for ransome or whatever. That affects every single individual account I have throughout the fediverse. While with the way I currently do things, all it could ever do is affect the one account I have on one instance, and dealing with it would be just as easy as avoiding or closing that account. All the rest of my accounts, and my fediverse access broadly, would remain entirely unaffected.

    How is that not the better alternative, and much more to the point, more in keeping with the ideal of decentralization?

  • Just imagine you go to a fediverse site, click “log in with ActivityPod”

    It makes me nauseous just thinking about it.

    That’s where the whole thing went wrong. When things started getting centralized, the internet started turning into a walled, commodified, ad-infested, bot-generated shithole controlled by a handful of loathsome megacorporations.

    That’s exactly the sort of shit I want to get away from, and I rhought that getting away from that sort of shit was the exact point of ActivityPub.

    Privacy would also increase because you could control every aspect of you identity

    I don’t think that’s true.

    I see no possible way that a centralized identity can be more private that an array of separate ones. And rather obviously, with a centralized identity, you don’t control every aspect of it, because it’s an established fact - when you go to a new site and sign up with that identity, it is exactly and only what it’s already been established to be, and it’s immediately tied in with all the others that use the same identity.

    On the other hand, when I go to a new site and create a new identity from scratch - one that only exists on that site - I actually do control every aspect of my identity. It’s whatever I make it right there on the spot, and it shares exactly as much or as little detail with my other identities as I want it to.

    Granted that I’m very cynical, I just can’t escape the feeling that all of this is cover for the real goal, which is simply to centralize the fediverse, so that a new group of opportunists can squat on top of another piece of the internet and extract rent from ir. We’re being told that this “problem” needs to be “solved” because “solving” it will, so they hope, create the next Google.

  • Serious question - why is this considered a problem? I don’t get it.

    It doesn’t seem to be for convenience, since you’d still have to sign up for and sign in to different sites separately (which is obviously unavoidable - the alternative would be centralization, which is exactly what we’re trying to get away from).

    Is it an ego thing? So that people can conveniently establish a sort of identity brand in the fediverse? Is it all about accomodating would-be influencers?

    Or is it some sort of psychological thing? Like people just feel uncomfortable with separate identities spread around the fediverse? Like they’re somehow disjointed and fragile?

    I can’t make sense of it. I have easily a dozen accounts spread around the fediverse, mostly but not all under the same name, and I have no issue with that. I don’t see a problem that needs to be solved. To the contrary, if anything, I’m wary of the idea of consolidating them - that just feels too much like moving back to centralization, just by a different scheme.

    I just don’t get it.

  • Sort of.

    More it’s just the way I’ve pretty much always been. Before I was even really aware of it, I apparently figured out that I couldn’t control the outside world but I could control how I reacted to it, so that was what I focused on. One could sort of say that I did it simply because it made sense to me, but even that makes it sound more conscious than it was. It’s more that it just never occurred to me to do things any other way.

    It was only much later that I discovered that there was a philosophy called “stoicism” that advocated that.

  • I recognize that the universe is so vast that it’s likely that life forms other than us exist in it, but that’s the extent of it.

    I’ve seen no verifiable evidence that they in fact do, so I don’t “believe” that they do.

    Really, I don’t “believe” in much of anything for which there is no verifiable evidence. I don’t even understand how that works - how it is that other people apparently do. It’s not a conscious choice or anything - it’s just appears that there’s a set of requirements that must be met before the position of “belief” is triggered inside my mind, and one of those requirements is verifiable evidence. Without that, the state of “believing” just isn’t triggered, and it’s not as if I can somehow force it, so that’s that.

    As far as I can see, governments are comprised almost entirely of psychopaths, opportunists, charlatans and fools, so I see little likelihood that they possess concealed knowledge regarding any nominal extraterrestrial life. First, and most simply, if they did possess any such knowledge, it’s near certain that somebody would’ve blabbed something by now.

    Beyond that though, I think it’s exceedingly unlikely that any alien life form capable of traveling interstellar distances would, on arriving on the Earth, seek out contact with a government, much less limit its contact to a government. If they’re that advanced, it can only be the case that they, in their own development, either never bought into the flatly ludicrous and clearly destructive idea of institutionalized authority or overcame it before it inevitably destroyed them, and in either case, I don’t see any reason why they would lend any credence to our mass delusion that this one subset of humanity forms a specially qualified and empowered elite that rightly oversees everyone else’s interests. That’s our delusion - not theirs.

  • What “entitlement?”

    I don’t expect anyone to start a web site or service or to give me or anyone else access to it at all, much less for free.

    I’m just making the very narrow point that when a company chooses to do all of that, and manages to make enough money to build a plush corporate headquarters on some of the most expensive real estate on the planet and pay its executives millions or even tens or hundreds of millions of dollars, then starts crying about not making enough money, that’s self-evident bullshit.

    If anybody’s acting"entitled" in that scenario, it’s the greedy corporate weasels who spend billions on their own privilege, then expect us to cover their asses when they come up short.

  • I expect a wave of internet users to get upset and call paying for used services “enshittification”, because people don’t realise how much running these AI models actually costs.

    I am so tired of this bullshit. Every time I’ve turned around, for the past thirty years now, I’ve seen some variation on this same basic song and dance.

    Yet somehow, in spite of supposedly being burdened with so much expense and not given their due by a selfish, ignorant public, these companies still manage to build plush offices on some of the most expensive real estate on the planet and pay eight- or even nine-figure salaries to a raft of executive parasites.

    When they start selling assets and cutting executive salaries, or better yet laying them off, then I’ll entertain the possibility that they need more revenue. Until then, fuck 'em.

  • Would you refuse to visit websites that force registration even if the account is free?

    I already generally do.

    What’s all the fuss about, you don’t care?

    I honestly don’t much care, but that’s because western civilization is circling the drain, warped and undermined at every turn by wealthy and powerful psychopaths, and it’s just not worth it to care, since there’s absolutely nothing I can do to stop them

    Is advertising a necessary evil in fair trade for content?

    Some sort of revenue stream is potentially necessary, but that’s the extent of it. Advertising is just one revenue stream, and even if we limit the choices to that, there are still many different ways it could be implemented.

    The specific forms of advertising to which we’re subjected on the internet are very much not necessary. And they don’t exist as they do because the costs of serving content require that much revenue - they exist as they do to pay for corporate bloat - ludicrously expensive real estate and facilities and grotesquely inflated salaries for mostly useless executive shitheads.

    Would this limit your visiting of websites to only a narrow few you are willing to trade personal details for?

    Again, that’s what I already do, so it would just add more sites to those I won’t visit.

    Is this a bad thing for the internet experience as whole, or just another progression of technology?

    At this point, the two are almost always one and the same. Internet technology is primarily harnessed to the goal of maximizing income for the well-positioned few, and all other considerations are secondary.

    Is this no different from using any other technology platform that’s free (If it’s free, you’re the product)?

    This is cynically amusing on Lemmy.

    Should website owners just accept a lower revenue model and adapt their business, rather than seeking higher / unfair revenues from privacy invasive practices of the past?

    Of course they should, but they won’t, because they’re psychopaths. They’ll never give up any of their grotesque and destructive privilege, even if that means that they ultimately destroy the host on which they’re parasites.

  • I deliberately avoided having kids and I don’t have any particular existential dread, so I’m just sort of sitting back and bemusedly watching it all play out. I just read the latest bit about one or another obscenely wealthy and/or powerful blatant psychopath doing or saying something gibberingly insane and I marvel yet again at the fact that the world is run by literal lunatics and nobody seems to even notice.

    And when it stops being cynically amusing, I shut it off and go do something else.