Meep :3
They/Them, also “It” when a critter I like is being cute ior affectionate about it :3 Very cute, but also weird and sometimes kinda sharp
Hates this world, hates being stuck in it. Needs rescuing, needs understanding. Not happening. Only misery and extension of said misery happening.

  • 0 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 26th, 2023


  • Frussy. Gotta bus over to an appointment to get my head checked @.@ Maybe that critter can help me get on a cash assistance program. She tried to, but they just (eventually) sent me three copies of a rejection thing, dated a week previous to when I got them. This crap is all very mysterious and cryptic and quiet. It’s just, struggle up the ability to send in an app in the first place, then hurry up and wait for a week or a month and maybe finally get something in the mail from like a week previous saying I’ve got two days (from a week previous) to settle some crap, or whatever. Or it just says nothing and I’m loster than before. Ugh. I’d like to be able to buy soap and maybe even pay bills, which this thing should let me do but it takes ages for anyone to even tell me anything and then I get that sorted and it’s just… …



    Anyway, if I survive not paying my bills maybe I can get some head-meds to make life livable. I hate being stuck in this horrible hunam hellhole world v.v wobbles frussily

    Other than that I guess I’m fine 🤷 Anxing over going out makes everything 😬 COVID stuff clearing up, I think. COVID is lots of fun and I recommend it only to critters who enjoy maximum fun nodnod 🙃 Am playing Space Empires IV, an ancient space 4X game. Can’t fit or run much on this laptop. wobble Uhhmmmm… stuff, Idunno. Head’s all weird, honestly. I’m not sure it’s accepted that I’m even here. Sometimes I wake up and think I’m not. Sometimes I feel like I need to process things that I just can’t because I’m afraid I can’t actually be here, can’t trust anything or anyone. Like I start to think of this place as a kind of home and bam, something goes horribly wrong. … I’m rambling and I don’t even know why 😅 Uhhh anyway there are lots of games I suddenly miss now that I can’t play them. That’s tons of fun :| I brought some random little bits with me, for the projecty computery thingy I wanted to build 😅 Just found some knobs I was gonna use. Didn’t bring the pots, just the knobs for them. Didn’t bring my lil air filter. Oh, noisy bikes. There are tons of noisy bikes in this town @.@ They drive right by my window 😅

    Okay I’ll stop yapping now. … I haven’t been talking much so I guess I kinda just blurted out a ton of crap 😅 “Solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short” springs to mind, thinking of my life. Odd reference to make there but oh well 🤷 skitters away, hides under a something

  • I’m taking this as an opportunity to illuminate issues with particular games, since… well, play on easy if you wanna, naturally. So, for my recommendation: If you don’t use the mod that makes all weapons very dangerous, Mass Effect Andromeda. Without a mod to speed it up a lot, every fight becomes ages of tedium. There’s one weapon that can be made any good and even that doesn’t make fights bearable. You’re basically sitting for like ten minutes at a time hosing down foes with off-brand Super Soakers until they get frustrated and leave. It’s quite bad. Just play it on easy. Not just easy, the easiest easy. Whatever the lowest difficulty is, pick that one. There’s just no point in anything higher unless you’ve got infinite patience. And ammo. Bleeegh.

    So, generally I play things on easier difficulties when I feel like anything higher will get tedious rather than interesting. The Mass Effect trilogy, I play on the maximum difficulty because that adds a bunch of mechanics that give me more to work around. Fighting armoured enemies should be done differently from fights against shielded enemies, that sort of thing. Enemies become more dangerous when they’re not shut down so there’s that encouragement to get them figured out before they bring out the scary attacks. Some games just increase health amounts, which… okay, just shoot them more? 😴 Boring.

    tl;dr: Games like Mass Effect Andromeda where difficulty settings only increase tedium. Am never gonna want to crank up the tedium setting.

  • Kinda annoying that “top” always means “most popular” for these things :-\ I guess I don’t really have a specific idea of what other meaning would be best but it still seems kinda ridiculous to rank programming languages by popularity. I guess it’s an engineer-brained thing to think of them as having different uses and purposes rather than being interchangeable business tools 🤮 but to me it’s kinda like looking at spoken languages by popularity but you still wanna go on vacation or go live somewhere with an unpopular native language. Like, oh look, Spanish is popular so I’ma learn that but also never go anywhere I’d expect people to speak it, so I’ll be in Finland or something (in my dreams, where I actually can visit places v.v ) all “Habla español? Perkele!” over and over until they throw me out 😅

    Edit: Just thought to check, a cursory glance suggests “español” doesn’t get capitalized in Spanish, which I don’t actually know 😅 My Finnish is much better, as I know most of the common curses and a few of the words that go between them.

  • Sounds super cool :o … Am still kinda salty about M$ blocking my account and holding my copy of Minecraft (that I paid Mojang for, well before it was Microsoft’s!) hostage because they want my phone number, though. 😠

    … Also I kinda wanna know if it’s got the moddage I love about Minecraft, but am afraid to ask because I’m stuck on a laptop that can’t really run much without getting all melty 😅

  • so-called AI

    knows its own limits

    frustration noises It knows nothing! It’s not intelligent. It doesn’t understand anything. Attempts to keep those things acting within expected/desired lines fail constantly, and not always due to malice. This project’s concept reeks of laziness and trend-following. Instead of a futile effort to make a text generator reliably produce either an error or correct code, they should perhaps put that effort into writing a transpiler built on knowable, understandable rules. … Oh, and just hire a damn Rust dev. They’re climbing up the walls looking to Rust-ify everything, just let them do it.

  • KeriKitty (They(/It))*Permanently Deleted*
    2 months ago

    I think licensing may have something to do with it. A proprietary licence will typically prohibit decompilation so if you do it, you’re in violation of the licence. Whether that’s enforceable… Idunno. Often just writing a rule down will make people averse to testing it. Software under a non-proprietary licence probably comes with the source code to begin with, so there’s no need. This leaves a relatively small useful area for this technique, where people either don’t mind being in potential legal trouble (or just losing their licence to use a particular piece of software) or are interested in a specific few pieces of software that don’t offer source but allow sortof digging it out of the binary directly.

  • It’s been ages but I remember Funtoo as a kinda quirky, opinionated (I think/hope that’s the right term? 😅 ) fork/offshoot of Gentoo by Gentoo’s originator that was intended to do things in ways deemed more sensible and allow more authority by the user. The only specific thing I remember is they dumped systemd or at least allowed building a system that didn’t use it.* 🤷 I only tried it once and not for long so that’s all I’ve got, sorry 😅

    * Very bad memory on my part, should probably have just said something something systemd or such 😅