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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I feel we need to discuss this first, because I completely disagree with you:

    Then you are ignoring all free speech laws and the fact that this is not a common culture or occurrence in Sqeden .

    Free speech has nothing to do with this situation. Nothing guarantees you there will be no consequences if you use your place of business for personal agenda. That’s not what free speech is about.

    staging a reasonable peaceful and coordinated protest

    I’m sorry, but you’re misclassifying the situation. Abusively occupying an office is not peaceful or reasonable. It is an attention forcing action and it can have consequences. They weren’t arrested for their views on the genocidal Israel state, they were arrested for being in a place they’re not legally allowed to be in. And they weren’t fired for their views on Israel, they were fired for criticising a company customer from the position of an employee

  • so do you have any case whatsoever that shows that this shit would fly at a Swedish company? One where it was legally challenged at least? If no, then what exactly is your point?

    The fact that I don’t have an example doesn’t mean that it can’t happen. It just means that it hasn’t yet or that I don’t know of it. Just because you can’t show me an example of an atom bomb attack in Sweden or of me getting punched in the face in 2024 does not mean that these things can’t happen, does it? This whole thread started with people saying that this can’t happen in Europe. It absolutely can. And having worked in various corporations across Europe (though not Sweden specifically), I can tell you that they all have clauses in the work contract saying that you can be fired for conduct while representing the company, especially for conduct in relation to customers. So if Google employees would block the headquarters in Stockholm to convince the company to stop trading with Israel because it’s a genocidal state, I guarantee you they’d not be safe from disciplinary measures including termination.

  • Discussing politics at the work place has been an HR violation for some time, but speaking against the company policy or its customers has always been a fireable ofense. I’m not sure why this surprises anyone.

    Sure, google is an evil corporation and there’s lots of reasons to hate them, but why are we focusing on this specific thing which is common across all workplaces?

    And yes, if you find out your employer is constructing concentration camps and you openly speak against that, you’re probably going to lose your job. Why is this even a question?

  • through other means (e.g. instead of banning potentially harmful apps, they could sue the app makers for actual damages).

    but that’s just the point, isn’t it? There are no means of obtaining compensation from an adversarial state or its companies and the damage caused might be irreparable. The discussion is not about countries that US has strong ties with. This is foreign policy. And just like your fundamental US granted rights are not guaranteed outside the US borders, nor should adversaries enjoy the same rights in the US. Since the country in question, Russia, makes no commitment to observing any US laws and since there is no way of coercing it or punishing it when it doesn’t, why should US citizens be exposed to this?

    And by the way, I think there’s another piece of info that you’re missing. Software bans are not the same as other bans. Banning Kaspersky, for example, just means that the company cannot officially trade and advertise their products in the US. But there is no way of preventing users from using those products(unfortunately).