It is a very difficult topic - I use slsk private trackers and now try to revive airdc++ my data set is around 60TB - it is pain in ass to manage -HDD’s fail, you need to salvage the data, also buy a new bigger ones, ssd’s also fail. Internet connection is limited, and the MASSIVE amount of data being produced these dayz… I also run I2P and IPFS nodes, TOR snowflake. And it is massive pain that alphatracker is down… also the rarbg loss. Please keep calm, everything will be fine, I have to mention that I live in a grey country - no need for vpn - that really helps.
I seed as much as I can, never set any targets for seeding. Torrents die our dayz, so no target should be a priority. Unless it is movies 🎥 - that shit takes tons of data.
you download an original image and then: oh I misread the question, even pirate bay has software, use trackers, try to get to closed ones.
Running I2P on my pc just in case :)
Bandcamp now is most user friendly, but even the creators cheat by deleting their 1$ offerings, and Yes I hate bundles of 600 albums for a price of 1$