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Joined 11 days ago
Cake day: October 13th, 2024


  • Yup. And you vote for the right party or the right candidate, it almost doesn’t even matter. Such is the case of doing what I’m doing. I’m not expecting a celebratory response or anything.

    I evaluate it like this. If one voted for the Republican side, you’re empowering the obviously destructive party that’ll do the most damage. It’s out in the open, they aren’t hiding anything. But if you voted for the Democratic side, it’s very subtle. Their audience would praise you for voting the ‘right side’ but they’re still assholes at the end of the day that’ll feel empowered in giving you shit anyways, they just have a vilified motion when doing so.

    It’s like lose-lose either way.

  • Nah. The lesson wasn’t taught last time, especially if people are going to continue behaving the things I’ve exemplified. People just do not learn, they simply do not learn and refuse to learn.

    Trump is the guy to do it, he’s a chaotic mess, a perfect tornado to continue destroying America and make everyone’s lives miserable. And I secretly want it.

    It’s almost as if we would need nukes anymore to just give this world back to itself, it’ll recover itself in time, it’s endured worse. It’s just us that’s been it’s problem all this time.

  • It’s very tricky waters. I’m of a few minds on this subject but my primary principle is - it’s your life, you do with it what you will to it. I’ll be incredibly sad when you’re gone, but in the back of my mind, I’ll understand. I won’t like the reality moving forward without you around, but I’ll understand.

    And I think with those who I know, a lot of them don’t really understand what someone is going through with suicidal ideation and their struggles. I’m allowed to do with my life as I see fit, I even have a designated death age, an age I wish to die by and I’ll do everything I can to make sure I at least see that day. I have to keep most of this under wraps from some of I know, but very few do, because I know I’ll just be triggering ‘saviors’. Saviors I don’t even want to have.

    I disagree heavily that people who wish to do suicide is a selfish act. In fact, I think it’s the other way around, when people want to keep you alive and it’s usually because the reason is that they just want you as their security blanket. Their go-to person. Their coping mechanism. And if those reasons are the reasons why someone wants to keep you for, like no actual productive and purposeful reasons there, then I truly think that’s selfish in of itself. And I think it’s incredibly insufferable that people want to continue another’s own suffering by prolonging it by denying them their wish.

    It’s one thing to prevent someone from suicide who might not be in the right mind, than those who have truly made their mind up. I am someone who has made their mind up for the road ahead. I have lived a life where I’ve ‘put people over’, using a wrestling term there, by making them look better than me in comparison.

    I don’t think I’m giving up on everyone else and I don’t think I’m giving up on myself. I’m just giving up the things I’m truly tired of upkeeping and pretending to live in a life with what I know that I completely and continue to be, at severe odds with. And I’ve lived long enough to where I think on these things over and over to where I’ve come to the acceptance of my path and choice.

    I’ve done all that I think I could for those who I cared for and try to care for. In the end, I can just say ‘I tried’.

  • Oh please. Someone like him raking in the money, money can guarantee better service than average joe’s pull. Let’s not kid ourselves here. I’m actually astounded to know how much there is a divide here in the comments, where people are actually defending the rich one here.

    And here I thought piracy was for the people that couldn’t afford these luxuries on a daily basis. Piracy being for people that simply, by choice, don’t want to bother with the legal alternative because of the questionable practices in play. Piracy being for people that just simply are locked out and have had their consumer rights stomped on all the way.

    Why are we drawing the lines of exception here between a dude that pulls a million a year. That’s like the antithesis of the concept of piracy. He’s earning $83,000 a month, that’s a lot more than an average joe makes in an entire year’s worth of their salary.

    You’re defending the 1% and that’s just wrong on so many angles when it comes to piracy.

  • Supreme Court is going to uphold it, watch. The Supreme Court isn’t really a viable source of decision making when it comes to these things.

    "The major record labels, including Sony and Universal, want the Supreme Court to take a closer look at the “profit motive”. They asked the Court to consider whether an ISP must profit directly from the infringement itself, or if profiting from the overall operation in which the infringement occurs is enough. "

    This is really just straight up bullying. Because, Sony and Universal for years have targeted pirates who they know are pirating and knew of the sources. They know the difference, it’s just they want more people to do their dirty work for them.

    To support this argument, the music companies cited the dance hall cases, in which courts have held that the owners of venues can be held liable for copyright infringement committed by performers they hire.

    The petition further cited the Supreme Court’s holding in Herbert v. Shanley Co. that a hotel could be held liable for the infringing performance of an orchestra it employed. The Court concluded that the hotel profited from the performance, even though visitors only paid for their meal, not the music.

    Fucking dumb logic.

    "“That would imperil the livelihoods, safety, and social connections of a massive universe of downstream users who rely on internet connections to run businesses, pay bills, apply to jobs, read the news, connect with friends and family, petition their representatives, and attend school.” "

    True. But “muh muneh” are all that these studios care about.

  • I think it’s about as much of a power fantasy as World War 3. There’s been many incidents and events in the past 9 years that all could’ve sparked a WW3 or a Civil War. But none has happened and it hasn’t escalated to that level.

    The modern world is more complicated than the 1800s. To have a Civil War now, we’d have to have issues where members of our army, police force .etc enact on political bias moreso than just individual case handlings. We’d have to have politicians from either said outright declaring the other party of being so unamerican that they start drawing lines.

    Stuff like that. I almost wish we’d have a Civil War so we can get out all of this dumb, pent up, boiling shit over with. But my hopes aren’t high.