• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • That would be giving into the Linux kernel and wayland driver bigots who set out to destroy NVidia on Linux, simply because of the driver’s license. Linus, the kernel dev team, and wayland devs sought to break NVidia at every turn. A company that provided us with the best graphics cards on Linux for over a decade, because they couldn’t get in and mess with NVidia’s code and steal their secrets from their drivers. Don’t give into to that level of zealotry. If anything, NVidia and their users should sue Linus and all the wayland devs for the years of crap they’ve pulled. All over a license. I love Linux, and am forever indebted to Linus for starting it… but this zealotry over licensing is why GNU never got off the ground itself; and they should be spanked for what they did to us. Wayland devs especially, they should be banned from opensource dev work forever and crippled financially for the crime they’ve committed.

  • I’m speaking solely about their workstation/laptop. If I am issued a Linux desktop system for work, and I can’t have root on it, heck no. I need to be able to remove Teams and replace it with the web app. I need to be able to install docker and vm’s. Add utilities I often use, replace gnome with a useable desktop environment, add zsh, install nerd fonts, choose the nvidia or intel gpu, modify grub, setup FDE and switch to snapshotting file system, etc etc.