I’m not an American. Do you think they really will go as far as deporting people that are even born in the US? I feel it’s more of a topic that Trump used to win votes? Now he’s in, he doesn’t even need the MAGA cult anymore.
I’m not an American. Do you think they really will go as far as deporting people that are even born in the US? I feel it’s more of a topic that Trump used to win votes? Now he’s in, he doesn’t even need the MAGA cult anymore.
I think only the extremely simple life doesn’t feel pain, but then you have arrived on a microscopic level, where some tiny creature is getting eaten while eating themselves.
Organised religion tends to go south
I suspect that this might be true for the older religions? They are just not all that suitable for the times we live in. What I do expect is that the older religions will be replaced by more modern ones, that will turn into organised religion.
I grew up in a relaxed (not religiously fanatic) Catholic family. To me it all fell apart at 14, when I dared to critically think about it. Since then I have gathered as many books of the different religions as I could. The Bible was one of the last. I see new religions rising, constructed out of parts of the old ones mixed with new things. I can’t see any really structured ones yet. I feel the old religions started pretty much the same. I don’t believe in a higher, conscious power. I don’t believe we are created, nor that we exist after we die. At most a few generations will remember us, now and then. I don’t know any of that with 100% certainty, so that would make me an agnostic atheist I guess. I think we humans need to go for wellbeing, not pure economic/capitalistic metrics. Obviously you’ll need a certain amount of money for wellbeing, but I also believe that there is more than enough to go around. It’s just that a few take it all and we let them. We must finally take science and knowledge much more seriously. Hefty fines for bribing or forcing scientists and scientists that falsify data. Science it itself doesn’t know ethics, so that has to be the human side of it: wellbeing.
Putin has his claws into way too many world leaders.
Healthcare should never ever be a system based on making profit. It should be based on keeping the people as healthy as possible and limit suffering. This means strict government control and that’s something America isn’t fond off.
I also liked very much what was going on in the beginning, same as you. I don’t want to Tesla shame anybody, sorry about that.
I prefer connectors to be uniform, so that’s the good thing. I just feel the USB C is a bit fragile and not suited for all situations.
I often get the feeling that echo chambers seem to exist, is that it’s often about one specific topic. It’s easier to find a large group that agrees about a fairly narrow aspect then it is to find a large group that agrees about some complex system.
The whole world only has one problem: bad leadership.
Reddit uninstalled me, after 13 years. Something changed, reddit did, maybe I did, both. But still I hung on. A bad telegraph connection is still better than nothing. I would have hung on a bit longer I guess. I was already a member here, but didn’t post much. I can find my way more easy here though, found lots of interesting information.
Thanks for this great info! Horrific, though. Assuming that not much has changed in attitudes since that time, you can only wonder what chemicals are harming us all without us knowing it. All this while someone, somewhere, does know.
I wondered about that myself. Often, people that vote for different parties do agree about certain issues, but all that gets watered down as they are forced to just pick one party. In this day and age of technology, directly voting for plans would be quite feasible. I just don’t think it’s going to happen, as it would take the power away from the few and put it in the hands of the people. Exactly the reason why people like us would want this. Another more difficult issue is that you should be able to get an idea of how a certain vote would work out. To use a simple and silly example: we want no more tax. But the consequences of that would be devastating, roads crumble, no police or fire brigade. So we need a political independent and scientifically based model of reality that anyone can access and check what other effects a certain vote might have.
Conservatism has been forcefully on the rise, but something like porn can cause it’s downfall. It reminds me of the videotape format wars end 70s, early 80s, with VHS pushing out Betamax due to porn.
I don’t trust Elon, so I don’t trust Tesla. If I would get one for free, I would immediately sell it. I’m not against electric cars in general by the way.
My banana is for sale as well. I’ll throw in a whole roll of duct tape.
X has become a cesspool. I’m afraid that this harassing will only increase.
Thanks! very well done, but a horrific truth as well.
What’s happening in the world lately makes me think humanity is doomed to fall back into some primitive state again. A depressing thought. I had great hopes in the nineties. Not that everything was fine, but there was much more cooperation between the large nations. We need each other to solve some major problems (many caused by ourselves). Instead, we do our best to add some really huge problems. I heard that one scientists thinks that the octopus will rule the world in the future, instead of us. I’m sure they will do better.