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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I asked a guy sitting behind me in training if it was noticeable, because I couldn’t really tell in the mirror since it was so far back. He said yes, so there it went. I decided to take possession of who I was and get rid of it all, no sense in lying about it or covering it up. Before then I personally buzzed it to a quarter inch.

  • NJSpradlin@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldthe calm after the weird
    14 days ago

    Remember the dark years from 2016-2020? Doom scrolling became a huge thing back then. It’s not going to stop if we fall back, again. It’ll be doom scroll after doom scroll of rights being stripped, of the president looking like a fool globally, etc. never ending shit storm.

    If the other person gets elected? Someone’s going to complain that she got her nails done on taxpayer dollars.

  • I am not a scientist, or mathematician, or STEM in any way, but if we assume that mercury has a circular orbit, and the sun has a stationary position within everyone’s orbit… and that every planet has a circular orbit, instead of elliptical, then we can assume… that the sun and mercury (edit: or ANY planet) are equal, since mercury is half of the time further and half of the time closer.

    I hope that helps. I know the first rule of the internet is that stating something wrong will immediately result in being corrected by a SME, so either way my comment will get you* the correct answer.

    Edit: this reasoning would only apply to planets that have circular orbits and are on the same plane.

  • Thanks, actually.

    That does change the connotation there a bit. Now it’s just something that happened, and some people could find that mildly interesting. Instead of the connotation being slightly more specific, that they intended to use it casually disregarding someone’s negative perception of the image.

    With ‘casually used’ and the idea that it was more than likely just ‘happenstance’, it sort of degrades the value of this ‘mildly interesting’ post. Corrected it’s now maybe sort of interesting, since we aren’t saying that they intended to do it, so more ‘mildly interesting’ this way.

    Either way, I probably wouldn’t have thought anything of it unless it was a ‘mildly interesting’ 420 or 69 joke hidden in the code or image titles of a religious or professional organization’s website. That’s sort of funny and interesting. Maybe the Kunami code hidden somewhere. Stuff like that.

    The ‘alt right’ aspect takes the ‘mildly interesting’ out of it and tries to pull politics in, which feels like we’re making accusations…? If you understand what I’m saying. It’s just weird. 🤷‍♂️

    But, thanks for listening to my podcast, please like, subscribe and upvote on your way out. I’ll be here all week. Alright, that’s it for me!