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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023

  • Do you think private individuals should also be able to own tanks, ground to air missiles, fighter jets, aircraft carriers and nukes? Why stop at rifles? What do you think rifles will do against a fighter jet?

    If you think the people should be able to violently overthrow the government, then the people need to have appropriate armament for something like that. Yet i dont see many people advocating for the right to have tanks.

    If more guns means more democracy, why all the places that have tons of guns are so undemocratic? The only exception to this is Switzerland but there people dont actually have guns. Technically they have guns but they have no ammo and their guns are locked and arent allowed to openly carry rifles around.

    Everything has a price. And the price for your unrealistic “the government should be afraid of the people because the people have guns” position is the dead children. It’s the every time someone gets angry over something, they have a weapon that can easily end the life of someone else. Do you honestly trust the general public with that power?

  • NIB@lemmy.worldtoA Boring Dystopia@lemmy.worldHeadlie
    1 month ago

    The issue is the border of Gaza and Egypt, the philadelphi corridor. Israel wants to control it or at least have some presence there.

    Thats because a lot of Hamas(and non Hamas palestianians) fled to Egypt. And once Israel pulls out, Israel doesnt want Hamas or military supplies to flow back into Gaza.

    The american proposal offered reduced israeli presence in the area, with the Palestinian Authority managing it and Israel “supervising”.

    Hamas rejected the proposal because they dont think Israel should be in Gaza in any capacity.

  • The 3 phones you linked from gsmarena vary A LOT in price. First you need to establish your budget. Zenfone 10 is basically last year’s flagship, though IMO the screen is too small to be usable for me.

    The xiaomi redmi note 13 pro is one of the best value for money phones but it has a “value” soc(system on a chip), which is fine for most every day use but it isnt anywhere near current flagship levels of performance(less performance headroom for future apps). Xiaomi’s sub-brand “poco” has phones that offer insane soc but you are sacrificing some other niceties(cameras, etc). Poco f6(and f6 pro) are about to come out.

    IMO Oneplus usually aint worth it. It is basically rebranded oppo phones, you might as well get a xiaomi. Budget oneplus phones offer mediocre value with slow soc. However, oneplus flagships from previous years can often be find on sale, in which case they might be worth it. Sony old flagships also can be found at steep discount.

    Nothing phones are pretty but their value is low, especially in terms of performance.

    IMO, if you dont mind buying a chinese android phone, with 2-3 years of support, xiaomi is usually the best option. Redmi note 13 pro is a good choice, poco x6 and especially x6 pro and upcoming poco f6/f6 pro are also great(if you really care about performance). I dont think i would recommend an expensive xiaomi phone because you can basically get a samsung flagship at that price.

    I think the 7 year support offered to google and samsung current flagships is very important. Xiaomi phones reach end of life after 2 or 3 years. Which means that if there is a security hole discovered later on, they will remain unpatched. Considering the amount of banking and stuff people do with their phones nowadays, this point deserves consideration.

    So while i have absolute confidence in the performance of xiaomi phones like poco x6 pro or poco f5(and newer) for the long term, the software support landscape has changed a lot this year. And the old norm of 2-3 years software support might not be cutting it anymore.

    Also xiaomi has xda forum


    PS Be careful with the snapdragon names. Poco f5 has snapdragon 7+ gen2, while poco x6 has snapdragon 7s gen2. The performance difference between these 2 almost identically named socs is immense. The upcoming snapdragon 8s gen3 is also nothing like snapdragon 8 gen3, it is basically an overclocked 7+ gen 3. Which is still amazing but not 8 gen3 amazing. The “s” stands for “slow”.

  • Because Lenovo is a chinese company and people think motorola is an american one. Either way, you are better off buying xiaomi/poco but americans are ignorant of these brands(because they are not being sold in the US).

    So every time some chinese company like motorola or nothing, markets a phone to America, americans have their minds blown that there are cheaper but good phones available. But in Europe, these phones are available and very popular. Xiaomi is probably more popular than samsung and apple, especially in poorer countries. Even in “western” Europe, xiaomi has 15% market share, samsung 35% and apple 33%.

    If you are willing to ignore the fact that xiaomi is a chinese company, they are offering amazing value for money products. Which is why they keep offering more and more products, including cars. And while i cannot speak for their other products, xiaomi/poco phones are great. Especially poco, if you dont care about cameras but care about performance/soc. Poco is a subbrand of xiaomi.

  • NIB@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlQuack makes a Swift escape
    8 months ago

    This isnt a good argument. For Fox News carbon emissions are irrelevant or good or whatever. But since Taylor Swift is saying she cares about the environment and according to her carbon emissions are bad for the environment, it is hypocritical to use a private jet.

    The problem Fox News have with Taylor Swift isnt her carbon emissions, it is her hypocrisy.

  • It’s not enough though and the sales are showing it. 7800xt is a decent card but it isnt an amazing offer, it is just a good one. For some people, It is a slightly better value for money option. But those nvidia things have value too. So the value proposition isnt as clearcut, even though it should be considering that AMD is behind.

    The steam stats should tell you what consumers think. And while consumers are not infallible, they are a pretty good indicator. The most popular amd card is the 580, which is arguably one of the best cards of all time. Except it came out 6 years ago. Did AMD have a better marketing back then? No. Did they have the performance crown? Nope. But that didnt stop the 580 from being an amazing card.

    The 7800xt could have been the new 580, mid/high end card, with decent vram. Except you could get the 580 for 200€, while the 7800xt costs literally three times as much. When your “good” card is so expensive, customers have higher expectations. It isnt just about running games well(cheaper cards can do that too), it is about luxury features, like ray tracing and upscaling tech.

    Imagine if the 7800xt was 400€. We wouldnt even have this conversation. But it isnt. In fact, in Europe it launched at basically the same price as a 4070. Even today, it is 50€-80€ cheaper. If nvidia is scamming us with inferior offers, why arent AMD offers infinitely better in value? Because AMD is also scamming us, just very slightly less so.

  • 12gB vram is not a bottleneck in any current games on reasonable settings. There is no playable game/settings combination where a 7800xt’s 16gB offers any advantage. Or do you think having 15fps average is more playable than 5fps average(because the 4070s is ram bottlenecked)? Is this indicative of future potential bottlenecks? Maybe but i wouldnt be so sure.

    The 4070 super offers significantly superior ray tracing performance, much lower power consumption, superior scaling(and frame generation) technology, better streaming/encoding stuff and even slightly superior rasterization performance to the 7800xt. Are these things worth sacrificing for 100€ less and 4gB vram? For most people they arent.

    Amd’s offerings are competitive, not better. And the internet should stop sucking their dick, especially when most of the internet, including tech savvy people, dont even use AMD gpus. Hell, LTT even made a series of videos about how they had to “suffer” using AMD gpus, yet they usually join the nvidia shitting circlejerk.

    I have an amd 580 card and have bought and recommended AMD gpus to people since the 9500/9700pro series. But my next gpu will almost certainly be an nvidia one. The only reason people are complaining is because nvidia can make a better gpu(as shown by the 4090) but they choose not to. While AMD literally cant make better gpus but they choose to only “competitively” price their gpus, instead of offering something better. Both companies suck.

  • Some of the books are small stories that take part throughout the ages and have different characters. In the series they decided to have the same protagonists, so they went through insanely convoluted plot devices to achieve that and to move them around the place and have them being related.

    But my real issue is that they really changed not only Hari Seldon’s and “Demerzel”'s characters but what the series is about. They are kinda making it a religion and then say “oh it isnt a religion thing, it is just a tool, oh nvm, it is a religion, ha just kidding, not a religion or maybe it is”. The foundation series is pretty atheistic in nature. And while religion is used(as a tool against the outsiders), the tv series makes Seldon a televangelist.

    The tv series is full of deus ex machina and not even good deus ex machina. Maybe they felt the initial stories would appear somewhat simplistic and tried to modernize them and make them “edgy”. Generally, 90% of the plot isnt from the books.

    “Demerzel” is a couple characters combined from the books but ultimately she is the most important character of the show(well i assume so, because she isnt a 1:1 character from the books). And she cannot be religious.

    Most of these issues could be solved by simply renaming the series and some story editing to make it tighter and less convoluted. You dont need to have the same characters be everywhere, at every period and be related to each other, it is silly and cringe, just like Rey Palpatine Skywalker.

    I will still watch future seasons and the show has many stories and scenes that are great(most of the Empire stuff, which are original). But even without knowledge of the books, i feel those artificial story arcs that try to connect characters are bad.

    TLDR : If the books are Star Trek TNG, the series is Star Trek Discovery

  • If you have read the Foundation books, the series will piss you off. Not just because it has very little in common with the books but because it goes against what the books stood for. And the most interesting parts of the Foundation tv series are the emperor arcs, which are original and arent from the books.

    It seems to me that the creator wanted to make a scifi series of his own but just used the Foundation name for branding, name dropping and some abstract story elements. And then try to marry all the elements with some inane movie alchemy bullshit.

  • NIB@lemmy.worldtoBuildapc@lemmy.worldRyzen 7900X or 7900
    9 months ago

    It’s better for games, better performance. The cache makes a big difference. And has better cache/core distribution than the 7950x3d and 7900x3d, so it has consistently better performance for games.

    The 7900 is only better for tasks that can take advantage of the extra cores, which are basically 0 for normal users.