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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • I have been using terminal almost exclusively for about a decade or more. But, when I started I just decided to do it. And that meant that every time I wanted to do something, it would take me forever because I would have to look it up. Eventually, I got faster and faster and now anything I want to do with a gui, I can almost certainly do faster with terminal.

  • The toxicity is awful. I tried to learn once since I had a buddy that loved the game and I was looking for a game to dump some hours in. This was about 10 years ago or so. My buddy told me he would help teach me the game so I could at least understand what people were saying. It took him one game to start trashing my playing. I fucked off of that game and never played again.

    I do not understand how anyone continues to stay in a toxic fanbase even if they really love the game.

  • I can never put my finger on why I don’t stick with GIMP. I install it on every machine I own, and occasionally use it to open a file and export to another file format.

    From time to time, I tell myself I will finally sit down and just only use GIMP. Finally learn the tool. Envitably I find myself googling to find every tool, and then I will come across something simple, like making a red rectangle, and I end up having to google how to do it, and then get frustrated that I can’t just draw a box and quit.

    There are probably legit reasons for the decisions, but if it kills my workflow, I can’t afford to use it.

  • Sounds like you prefer windows. If you do not have any moral conundrum around using it, go back. Makes no sense to use an OS on your computer that you do not prefer.

    I love Linux, sometimes I have issues, but for the work I do it is much easier to do on Linux than on windows. Also I have some moral qualms with Windows and Microsoft and I would rather have a broken machine than one with Windows.

    If that is not you, then I would just use what you like.

  • My personal preference is NES -> Master System -> Atari due to the game libraries.

    With that said, do you have any favorite games that are exclusive to either console? That might help make the decision. Are you able to gettl the games? I would argue without games to play, it probably isn’t worth it. Do you have the means and ability to repair or make needed upgrades? These systems are getting on in years and I find myself repairing my consoles more frequently as the years go on.