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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Do you mean back in 2019 during those primaries? Biden absolutely had others he ran against, but the DNC did rig it for him in a way. There were two candidates that were seen as progressive, which were Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Warren tanked her chances when she started attacking Bernie and even hiring Hillary’s old campaign manager. Everyone started calling her a snake. Bernie became the defacto progressive. On the moderate side, there were a bunch of candidates including Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Pete Buttegiege, and I’m sure others that I can’t remember. Because the moderate vote was split between so many candidates, Bernie was wiping the floor with them. Then Biden had one good state in South Carolina. Suddenly (as if told to), all the other moderate candidates dropped from the race, and Biden became the front runner.

    This time around, the DNC rigged the primaries as best they could to favor Biden. The biggest thing they did was make South Carolina the first official primary. Biden didn’t have any real competition and easily won even in states where he wasn’t on the ballot he won as a write-in.

    On top of all this, the DNC also has “super delegates” that aren’t chosen at all by the electorate and are specifically there to influence the primaries towards the candidate the DNC wants.

    So, yes, the game is very rigged.

  • I used one with Fedora for a while. The problem I had is whenever it would randomly disconnect, Fedora could not handle it gracefully. It would lock up the system and require a hard reboot. Windows has been a bit more graceful about things. I’m hoping the next generation or maybe oculink will be better.