How else are you supposed to get your daily dose of Vitamin P?
How else are you supposed to get your daily dose of Vitamin P?
There’s too much to get into but the short version is we literally aren’t given a choice. People here idiotically vote against their own self interests and nothing anyone has tried to fix the problem has worked.
Thank you. This is directly relevant to me. And yeah, I’m an American.
I’ve seen the red Coke cups since I was a kid, but not blue Pepsi ones.
Oh fuck no. For my entire life I’ve resented having to be alive. You try being a suicidally inclined 7 year old and see how you like it. The fact that it’s impossible to ask someone if they want to be born is enough for me to never want to have kids, always had been. Forcing existence and cognizance on a human being is unspeakably fucking cruel.
They’re also wasteful pollution machines when they’re run, and for no practical purpose. They’re just toys to these people.
Reddit’s API fuckery. That’s it, that’s the whole reason. Fuck spez.
Cool, glad for y’all.
Hey, now that you’ve taken care of that, we’re having a little fascism problem here in America. We were wondering if you could, ya’know, return that little favor we did for ya in the 1940s?
Green text, but men’s health is a disaster and this has been me in the past before therapy and meds.
To be fair though I have several lifelong comorbid depression and anxiety disorders that I didn’t get treated until I was 30. No 7 year old should have to be be suicidal.
I wonder how many other men are similar but never get treatment? Too many.
Good riddance, vertical videos are cancer, short form obliterates attention spans, and their algorithm is engineered specifically to addict people, especially kids.
Now to ban all the rest of them. Let’s start with Facebook. Twitter is already killing itself but could stand to be “helped” off the cliff.
You can’t spell murder without laughter.
This is America, so unfortunately gun crime is just something there’s no fix for. 🤷
In Illinois pedestrians always have the right of way. Even if they’re fucking stupid, like walking along the median at night in dark clothes.
If you’re going walking at night, I’d advise:
You can’t escape the need for cars, especially in America outside of urban areas, so you just need to be careful. And remember everybody - you, me, and Joe down the street, EVERYBODY, every single human alive - is a fucking idiot. It’s just a matter of degrees, subject matter, and self awareness.
It’d take too long to list it all, but it started way earlier than that.
The school to hospice informal incarceration pipeline is omnipresent for the working class, and college/trades level is right there in the middle. Right after kid jail and before wage slavery.
Windows: you’ll eat this slop even if we have to carve a hole in your throat and force it through.
I misread that as “cosplay” and thought, so what combat bonuses do you get for wearing slutty cosplay? I mean you’d be really stupid having a boob-window if it didn’t give at least a +3 Dex bonus.
Its Tesla; y’all should be dumping that shit anyway.
Their inversion of introspection is amazing.
I like the color blue better than red, even though I prefer Coke over Pepsi. That said, I prefer Mt Dew (owned by Pepsi) over both. Well, diet Dew these days, but still.