You know it’s a legit therapy if a dead doctor told you in a seance about it.
You know it’s a legit therapy if a dead doctor told you in a seance about it.
Electronic signatures exist. You can legally sign pdf. But it costs money.
You just have to leverage the agile AI blockchain cloud.
Just put the babies in the potholes.
Where can i get the redwings for $100?
3.5" is much more solid than 8" floppies.
I would not want to miss the feeling of getting up at 3 am to put a farthing in the meter to keep the room above freezing.
Duncan, Duncan, Duncan, Duncan
Your man in the middle argument is invalid, no matter how much you write. Just trust youur self signed certs and you users see no difference. That’s even more secure than blindly trusting the idiots from verisign.
Don’t act so smug.
That’s bullshit. You are the one who issued the cert. You can add it to your list of trusted certificates. You just have to check that this is the right certificate.
Your man in the middle scare comes from users who ignore cert warnings and continue without checking anything.
I haven’t used a CD or DVD for years. Most of my devices have no disc drive. Streaming has won, at least for lazy people like me.
We could teach ducks to write and they will finish before him.
Why do you think having a MBA matters? It’s a weird circlejerk for losers.
Mehta is the name of the judge.
Cosby Show
#linux on probably every IRC server?
Catalogues. Totally different feeling than online shopping. You could explore them for hours. No need to wait for a good offer, because the price does not change.