How do you mount the GDrive ? What app allows you that ? I know gnome allows it but since moving to sway I gave up on it
How do you mount the GDrive ? What app allows you that ? I know gnome allows it but since moving to sway I gave up on it
Basically see the wiki below but I would like to add is Linux only.
Don’t know if there is something like v4l2loopback for windows.
Seems to be just normal vim, maybe some distros packages the binary (of vim with more options enabled at compile time) as vimx so that it doesn’t conflict with another vim package (as an example vim-tiny).
But only, can answer that for us.
No distro has the 45 packaged yet ahahhaha
This, super love that distro !!! Perfect for users that don’t have a lot of needs.
Personally, I never got used to the container workflow :(
Super nice, with some “hidden” gems like Ctrl+Shift+o for opening links.
Super nice, with some “hidden” gems like Ctrl+Shift+o for opening links.
Did you follow their docs ? Read page by page and everything should work fine.
There is also an Android app, I would advise to not login your account as you will get banned, but for looking at public profiles it works (as anonymous).
Barinsta (Simple yet advanced Instagram client)