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Joined 3 days ago
Cake day: March 6th, 2025


  • I’m so tired of AI and bots, man. The mainstream internet is run by bots for bots, at this point. Just looking at a YouTube comment section makes me realize 85% (at least) of the comments are political propaganda/disinformation bots and crypto/money scammers.

    Right now, you can tell who is a bot or not by AI generated or Pr0n looking profile pics, copy pasta tactics and the age of the accounts (with comment history and how many comments they typed or spammed), but eventually it’ll all blend together into a moshpit of bots posing as people, that all “think” and say the exact same thing about every topic imaginable so that the actual human beings reading won’t notice the rich are trying to influence them to think a certain way to influence politics. Fk that.

    I need alternatives to YouTube, btw, if anyone knows any that aren’t supported by Nazis and can tell me, I’d appreciate it a bunch!

  • Learn the difference between xenophobia and racism, please. The difference matters for proper discussions of different topics that pertain to discrimination in general and you are clearly confusing both of them in your weak attempt at accusing someone of behaviour they never displayed while they explained a joke that is rooted in historical context.

    More to the point, being against Russian dictatorship policies and historical atrocities is neither xenophobia nor is it racism.

    Everyone with a functioning frontal lobe knowns the Russian people are mostly helpless under a dictatorship that practices putting opposition (civil or political) in gulags, but one cannot just “lay down and take it” if the Russians come for them, just because you pity their situation. Criticizing dictatorships is of utmost importance, feelings be damned.

  • You cannot make peace with someone that wants to annex you, control you or genocide you. Do you say the same to beaten wives so they don’t divorce their husband?

    Come on now. Let’s not pretend there aren’t limits to negotiation with a violent person that refuses to stop being violent. No matter how many times you tell them, “No no, bad, baaaad! Killing baad! Genocide baaad!” To reform them, if they keep doing it: They have no respect for you and respect, last I checked, is a mutual two way street.

    In such cases, the bully (murderer in this case) needs to be checked in the guts hard enough to submit, because that bully doesn’t want to change and since we can’t imprison the damn psychopath and he refuses to stop, teaching him a lesson will have to happen sooner or later.