I would think that too, but didn’t Mega Man x Street Fighter and Mega Man Maker or what ever start as fan games and then get picked up by Capcom? At the very least, they aren’t Nintendo
I would think that too, but didn’t Mega Man x Street Fighter and Mega Man Maker or what ever start as fan games and then get picked up by Capcom? At the very least, they aren’t Nintendo
How are you gonna show off your sweet dad bod with out a crop top?
I’m excited for this. My partner and I enjoyed the first one, and typically most of her work
Nice, I’m glad you are enjoying it. I think it didn’t quite click for me, but I’m not opposed to giving it another shot down the line
Is this the weird one in the cabin? I think I have actually played it. Sounds challenging
That engine terrifies me at this point. I’ll admit I don’t have any knowledge on the inner workings of a game engine, but it feels like it has to be held together with band-aids and gum
What did they do before Game Pass and Epic?
So Nintendo is going to stop taking everything down because they saw how bad of a look this was, right?
Hell yeah! I’m still trying to figure out all the basics. What stats are good for which characters, what all the different skills do, things like that. I haven’t even done a run with equipment yet. I was afraid it was one time use, but looking for a few beginners tips I get the feeling it may be permanent
Genuine question, are patents private information? I was under the impression it was public, which is why companies won’t patent a recipe (I very well could be confusing this with copyright or trademark)
Please correct me if I am wrong, I am always open to learning
Why in the fuck does bad box art Mega Man exist if this cover is a thing?
Have you ever watched gameplay? It is so fucking bad, but kinda funny to watch someone play
Yeah, I had it on Steam but my PC is in storage. It is super good! One of few that stands on its own as a bullet heaven. Brotato is another
Don’t. Just believe. It is more fun that way
Ooh, please report back! I love Slay the Spire
Halls of Torment. It just released for Android. Another Survivors-Like, with just enough Diablo 1 to set it quite a bit apart. I haven’t gotten far, it is really challenging, but I am very happy to be able to play it again
Might have to grab it. Perfect little time waster
As in, putting Trump in office. Trump dies, and we get stuck with the weird couch fucker