• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I, like the OP, was also studying math from a textbook and using GPT4 to help clear things up. GPT4 caught an error in the textbook.

    The LLM doesn’t have a theory of mind, it wont start over and try to explain a concept from a completely new angle, it mostly just repeats the same stuff over and over. Still, once I have figured something out, I can ask the LLM if my ideas are correct and it sometimes makes small corrections.

    Overall, most of my learning came from the textbook, and talking with the LLM about the concepts I had learned helped cement them in my brain. I didn’t learn a whole lot from the LLM directly, but it was good enough to confirm what I learned from the textbook and sometimes correct mistakes.

  • As an programmer, I want to think out loud about possible technical solutions.

    I would have kept the understandable / hand-made algorithm as the core of search results. If you want to do fancy machine learning, do it on the periphery and we can include the machine output in our algorithm and weight its importance by hand. This would allow us to back out of the decision, because we could lower the weight of the machine learning output as needed.

    It sounds like Google jumped strait to including the machine learning in the core algorithm though, and now with a decade of complexity in the core algorithm they are no longer able to go back without huge effort.

    In general, it’s important to consider “is this a decision we can easily back out of?”.

  • Also, to get that clarity I was seeking. Do you:

    1. Recommend people vote for Democrats (sounds like no).
    2. Recommend people vote for Republicans.
    3. Recommend people vote for third-parties or not vote at all.

    These are the only 3 possibilities. Which are you?

    For example, if you believe that Republicans are better for LGBT issues, then I want to hear you say it: “I think Republicans are better on LGBT issues”. I have my own opinion on this which I will keep to myself, I really just want you to be clear about your view and then let everyone judge for themselves what they think is right.