Does it not bother you that you’re having to resort to outright lying?
Does it not bother you that you’re having to resort to outright lying?
You shitlibs are still whining that leftists didn’t want to vote for your genocidal ghoul?
Mitt Romney confirmed this explicitly. Anyone saying the tiktok ban isn’t about covering up Israel’s genocide in Gaza is denying objective fact.
Iron Maiden - Empire of the Clouds
You might want to play in traffic
Tankie is when you don’t think modern Russia is communist
And look at that, it didn’t get removed
Well that’s just being pointlessly pedantic, obviously they fucking know that a repeating number of all zeros and ones doesn’t have a two in it. This is pure reddit pedantry you’re doing
As ever, western fascists believe all opposition to them is a secret plot by the sinister judeo-bolshavik conspiracy.
Ok, but what the fuck did you mean by “he’s property of Syria?”
Lol, shitlibs suddenly don’t mind “whataboutism” when it’s time to defend the US and it’s allies.
What do you mean he’s a “property of Syria”?
Did you just wake up from a forty year coma or are you just stupid?
Very rare in the sense that they have a probability of 0.
Are you trying to say the answer to their question is no? Because if so, you’re wrong, and if not I’m not sure what you’re trying to say.
Are you serious?
Lol, you dishonest pos