• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • With the recent Microsoft garbage, I’m giving Linux another try. I’ve been running a laptop for a while, no issues. My main rig, however can’t read all of my um…?hard drives

    A live USB of Mint 21 reads 2 of 5 drives fine. The rest are recognized from GParted, but can’t access them. It looks like NTFS-3G is installed.

    I’ve duck duck go’d (which apparently is just Bing) for a solution, but haven’t succeeded. Long term, I can probably pick up another drive, copy, and reformat everything to something Linux friendly. For now, I just want access.

    I’m lazy and burned out. I don’t want to use the terminal- which I did try. I just want to make a few clicks and have access to all of my files.

    If it matters, the drives (roughly) show up as: 500 gb, 4 TB NTFS (readable) 3, 12, 16 TB unknown (not readable)

    Windows says they’re all NTFS.

    Is there an easy way to easily mount my drives?

  • Not sure what changes, but it’s scary how much Google controls. Even if we just broke off YouTube from them, that would be a big deal.

    Ideally we would split their search engine, YouTube, and chrome each into two competing companies. (Google A, Google B, Chrome A, Chrome B, YouTube A, YouTube B)

    Because Google has so much power they can make changes that will break search results, websites, and browsers if you don’t accept changes that are beneficial to them.

  • Because this asshat isn’t a journalist. He makes shit up and spins it how he’s paid to. He has zero morals, zero integrity, and is less reputable than the boy who cried wolf.

    There’s been plenty of leaks of him flat out lying on Fox. Combine that with Putin also being a lying psycho, and there’s really no good or truth that can come from this interview. Only propaganda and misinformation.

  • And Google is bringing AI to private text messages. It will read all of your previous messages. On iOS? Better hope nothing important was said to anyone with an Android phone (not that I trust Apple either).

    The implications are terrifying. Nudes, private conversations, passwords, identifying information like your home address, etc. There’s a lot of scary scenarios. I also predict that Bard becomes closet racist real fast.

    We need strict data privacy laws with teeth. Otherwise corporations will just keep rolling out poorly tested, unsecured, software without a second thought.

    AI can do some cool stuff, but the leaks, misinformation, fraud, etc., scare the shit out of me. With a Congress aged ~60 years old on average, I’m not counting on them to regulate or even understand any of this.