Most expensive keyed door
#SaveInvidious #SaveNewPipe Privacy is a human right, thank you Edward Snowden. I post my opinions on subjects wether people agree or not, if you want to disscuss than do so respectfully and ill do the same. Check out my sublemmy 10_0s basement.
Most expensive keyed door
Its working
Post expensive public toilet bin
Having one good friend is worth more than a thousand aquantances.
So I’ve investigated myself for the murder I did, and I’m innocent! POV: external investigator who gets paid to win against you in court.
Batteries and water don’t mix, I mean they can, but they shouldn’t
The Story of my Life
How did you screen shot my phone?
Yes, search for it
dear google my internet search browser has stopped functioning, this is not acceptable and I will be opening a complaint with the internet police, fix the issue now or I will be having a word with your manager about your lack of professionalism. Yours a lost customer! What is the Harlem shake?
Nice try scammer! I know your tricks!
I’m getting a coin holder, and new watch bands for my pinetime! If you’re american there are YIMBYs that are making america a better place to live. (Replacing the NIMBYs)
Thought he was making a trump joke
I’m sure the game will retain the 138 concurrent player base in 2 years time /s. But for the novilty sure why not.
NGL kidney beans do be beaning