Before you get really upset about this thread, you should read this other one:
I’m not thrilled about this by any means, but what Firefox is doing is not what chrome is doing (which is what the op posted thread is claiming). Conflating them serves no one.
Can we please stop linking mastodon threads? Mozilla literally has an explainer article.
I’m gonna start my own browser, with blackjack, and hookers
Fun fact: For me (newest nightly in Germany) it’s not only unchecked, it’s also greyed out.
But it says “without sending information about you”
Right riiight
That doesn’t sound bad at all!
Yup, it’s basically what I’ve been pushing for and what I hoped Brave would do when they launched. We’re always going to have ads, and browsers are in a position to make those as privacy-friendly as possible. Give advertisers only as much as they need (total views and clicks, and related, aggregated data), not what they want (individual tracking, “engagement” metrics like mouse movements, etc).
I’ll always hate ads, but I might be willing to disable my ad blocker if the ads respect my privacy and the content on the page is good.