On Monday, it appears X attempted to encourage users to cease referring to it as Twitter and instead adopt the name X. Some users began noticing that posts viewed via X for iOS were changing any references of “Twitter.com” to “X.com” automatically.
If a user typed in “Twitter.com,” they would see “Twitter.com” as they typed it before hitting “Post.” But, after submitting, the platform would show “X.com” in its place on the X for iOS app, without the user’s permission, for everyone viewing the post.
And shortly after this revelation, it became clear that there was another big issue: X was changing anything ending in “Twitter.com” to “X.com.”
Let’s all start using AOL and MSN messenger
Msn messenger was perfectly fine, until people left me alone on there to join bloody skype
AIM using Pidgin client when not on IRC with mIRC or X-Chat. MSN Messenger was never even on the list.
/gatekeeps 00s IMs ;)
Sure but that didn’t save you from skype either, i guess :'-/
And Skype was great until Microsoft bought it.