.7z seems to be good and I do recommend it to people, saying that it’s better than regular zip. Have recently started using opus n webm files more.
I’ve also heard about jxl recently. Would be very nice to see it become popular, as it could reduce the size of my memes n screenshots folders. Faster webpage loading too.
Are there any other file formats that’ll be useful to people, but isn’t getting enough attention?
In the case of apps, Trebleshot seems to be good for android file sharing. I like it’s web sharing option having an upload form. Helps me where I don’t have to ask others to install an app to send me a file locally. Not sure about it’s encryption n security aspects, but I only have used it for local file sharing.
And what about other stuff similar to that, other than file formats or apps?
Recently have started exercising my neck. Not neck bridges and loaded things tho. Only safe n simple movements. Seems to be good, especially after using a monitor for some time. I think it’s not much talked about, maybe because of the fear that people will overdo it?
Funny story, I wanted to switch from digital note taking to hand writing but my hand writing was shit. So I worked on improving my letter forms and even started practicing cursive so if someone ever needed to read my work, they could.
Well, hyper focused a bit too hard and now I do calligraphy. Handwriting hasn’t improved much
Oh, I understand that. My handwriting isn’t great, and I used to do absolutely massive, elaborate drawings, dabbled in asian calligraphy, etc. those skills do not translate.
This isn’t adding much to the conversation but