
Posting this here as it might affect most of the Lemmy subscribers (I’m actually surprised there is no recent thread for it).

Basically, as explained here by @freamon@feddit.nl :


A user there - ‘realcaseyrollins’ - frequently posts to “Movies & TV”, meaning that any feed sorted by New has his posts at the top for at least 2 hours, above any other posts, regardless of when they posted or which Community they was posted to.

This issue has been here since 21 days apparently, it there something we can do about it?

I believe in the potential of this community, I started posting actively in the last few days, but having 3 threads that are going to happen in the future as it is now has too much of an impact on me to keep subscribed.

I don’t really see options except @realcaseyrollins@kbin.projectsegfau.lt using another account to post to this community while we wait that Kbin.Projectsegfau.lt fix the issue on their side.



  • pnutzh4x0rA
    2 years ago

    I completely agree… I sort by New and this has caused me to unsubscribe from this community once already since the posts from this community just stay at the top, blocking actually new posts.