The more rare, obscure, or just a guilty pleasure, the better. Maybe you grew up with it, maybe it’s just the nostalgia talking, any reason is fine.

I’m looking for a new game to play, but I’m running out of games to collect!

My favorite is games for original DMG, but you’re welcome to include Color it’ll advance games too!

    1 year ago

    Price Charting has it broken down by type. That site isn’t 100% accurate by a long shot (notably it doesn’t really factor in condition), but it’s helpful for a rough idea. I saw it had the complete game at over $400.

    I’m guessing the game is popular with collectors for being a “rare gem” of the Game Boy library (since it’s both rare and actually a pretty good game). Clicking around, I see it in some rare Game Boy Color game lists—along with Shantae, which I strongly considered picking up back in the day from Electronics Boutique for like $20 and decided “nah.”