Shoot the dictator and prevent the war? But the dictator is merely the tip of the whole festering boil of social pus from which dictators emerge; shoot one, and there’ll be another one along in a minute. Shoot him too? Why not shoot everyone and invade Poland?
Eh. It takes a lot to galvanize an entire nation around one man. I’ll take my chances in a world where people could enjoy hearing “Adolf Hitler? That artist that somehow died last week?”
If I was going to erase myself by changing history I’d dream a lot bigger. Constantine I is the oldest definitely-real name that put big things in motion. Would Rome have adopted Christianity anyway? Maybe.
Sinking old Chris Colombus’ famous voyage would save an awful lot of lives too, and at the very least postpone the various genocides white people committed in the Americas. I think it would be important to let him get going so that everyone used hia failure to reinforce their reservations about sailing West.
If you go far enough back you get to the point where every human being alive then is either related to all or none of the humans alive today. Even something as minor as causing some random peasant to not have sex and become a monk or something would have massive implications today.
Going back in time to the moment before the dude who invented fascism thought of it and distract them so they never actually have that thought. Bam! No more fascism and in a 100% pacifist run.
Soo, showing up in leftist reporter Mussolini’s home to debate his current thoughts about a new type of revolution, bringing a gun just in case. I don’t know if there’s any amount of distraction you could subject Benito to in order to prevent him from thinking up fascism. You’d either have to make him realize it’s stupid or kill him.
Addendum: don’t forget to practice with your handgun beforehand, and bring something to smash a windshield beforehand. This is why there were 8 failed assassination attempts on him.
If you would go back in time and not kill a fascist… What are you even doing!?
Eh. It takes a lot to galvanize an entire nation around one man. I’ll take my chances in a world where people could enjoy hearing “Adolf Hitler? That artist that somehow died last week?”
If the time travel rules are that you cannot change your present you return to, then it becomes tourism.
If I was going to erase myself by changing history I’d dream a lot bigger. Constantine I is the oldest definitely-real name that put big things in motion. Would Rome have adopted Christianity anyway? Maybe.
Sinking old Chris Colombus’ famous voyage would save an awful lot of lives too, and at the very least postpone the various genocides white people committed in the Americas. I think it would be important to let him get going so that everyone used hia failure to reinforce their reservations about sailing West.
If you go far enough back you get to the point where every human being alive then is either related to all or none of the humans alive today. Even something as minor as causing some random peasant to not have sex and become a monk or something would have massive implications today.
Going back in time to the moment before the dude who invented fascism thought of it and distract them so they never actually have that thought. Bam! No more fascism and in a 100% pacifist run.
Soo, showing up in leftist reporter Mussolini’s home to debate his current thoughts about a new type of revolution, bringing a gun just in case. I don’t know if there’s any amount of distraction you could subject Benito to in order to prevent him from thinking up fascism. You’d either have to make him realize it’s stupid or kill him.
Addendum: don’t forget to practice with your handgun beforehand, and bring something to smash a windshield beforehand. This is why there were 8 failed assassination attempts on him.
Unfortunately someone who have thought of it later
I like your optimism!
dude I don’t need an army capable of fucking mind control and pyrokinesis on top of everything right now
Pushing them around in the playground as revenge. Maybe it affects them, who knows