The people burning down the nation release the “report”. Dear leader haz bestest economy evar will be the headline. We will never see clean information again, thats the point. Best unemployment numbers, homelessness over, drug war won, best economy ever, amerikkka has no gays, immigration solved, fairest elections ever. Im concerned that people dont see this coming and trust any information released by this new “government”.
My guess is that the first bad report will be accurate, but once this administration gets caught with their pants down, they’ll fire that team and start releasing jobs reports that have been sharpied to death.
The people burning down the nation release the “report”. Dear leader haz bestest economy evar will be the headline. We will never see clean information again, thats the point. Best unemployment numbers, homelessness over, drug war won, best economy ever, amerikkka has no gays, immigration solved, fairest elections ever. Im concerned that people dont see this coming and trust any information released by this new “government”.
My guess is that the first bad report will be accurate, but once this administration gets caught with their pants down, they’ll fire that team and start releasing jobs reports that have been sharpied to death.
Demanding that reporters who make criticisms of Trump/Musk be fired and jailed, is going to get the agencies in line with our Fuhrers.