• MonkeMischief@lemmy.today
    14 days ago

    I really miss the early mobile games days, when they were still experimenting with the format and you had games like Angry Birds, Infinity Blade, Peggle, and various Marble Madness or Monkey Ball clones, just for starters.

    People were making games designed to be fun, and if they were addictive, it was because you were enjoying yourself. If you bought the game they didn’t care how addicted you got or not, only that you didn’t tell all your friends it sucked! Lol

    Once it started taking notes from the casino industry, that was it. I don’t even open the Play Store anymore.

    Just now had a thought: If places like Newgrounds or ArmorGames were pay to play for developers like the mainline mobile stores are, I bet we would have seen a lot more of that nonsense a lot sooner. (kongregate seems to serve a perfect example of this.)