Sorry this discussion post is a bit late, I should probably set a reminder for it.

    25 days ago

    Defenders quest 2 just released after 10 years of development! I’ve been having a very enjoyable time with that, the initial launch was rough on the deck but the first patch worked out the interface issues it was having.

    Infinitode 2 (I guess I have a thing for tower defense games)

    And some ‘tiny rogue’

    Also tried ‘cat goes fishing’, but a couple things are irking me about it, it’s enjoyable enough and was cheap enough that I’m not upset.

    Fired up ‘prodeus’ for the first time since activating it from a humble bundle (I think?) it has all the good feelings of the original doom, it’s just a bit too stressful for me, especially at midnight when I tried playing it.

    ‘boxes’ is a kinda meh puzzle game, it’s a bit high on its own farts, if it wants to be as deep and philosophical as I think it does, it needs to have much better puzzles, but if I ignore the story and don’t think too much about the ‘why not just break the glass’ it’s an enjoyable enough game.