I am obsessed with entering competitions, and I’ve won quite a few by now (I got free tickets to the same music festival seven years in a row due to my dedication). I love hearing stories of what others win and how they use their winnings.
I am obsessed with entering competitions, and I’ve won quite a few by now (I got free tickets to the same music festival seven years in a row due to my dedication). I love hearing stories of what others win and how they use their winnings.
How did the prize work? Could you just waltz up and get free ices whenever you wanted?
They gave me a stack of free ice coupons (365)
That sounds delicious and also dangerous.
We are a family of 6, and I gave some away to friends and some unhoused people. My van leaked and the last 100 or so got wet and fused into a single coupon. I took it into the store and they took them all and gave me two 5 gallon buckets.
Edit: it was two 2.5 gallon buckets, for a total of 5 gallons of ice.