• OsrsNeedsF2P@lemmy.ml
    7 days ago

    Your lack of ability to see the flaw in your argument means you have no critical thinking skills, and your insult towards me means you have no empathy.

    As the person in charge of deciding who is dumb, I have deemed you dumb, and you can no longer participate in society. You have now been evicted from your house.

    Do you see the problem with your idea, yet?

    • mostdubious@lemmy.world
      7 days ago

      nope, but you’re starting to come around.

      you see, i’m not going to let you do that. i’m going to fight back, which is what any reasonable person should do.

      you see, in the end, there is no right or wrong. the critical thinking and empathy are completely arbitrary ideas that I PERSONALLY think are important. i gave importance to those ideas. i will fight to defend those ideas.

      ultimately, there are only winners and losers. it’s my hope that there are enough people who also think critical thinking and empathy are important things worth fighting for that we can beat the sociopaths who don’t value those ideals. but that’s where i’m at. i’m ready to solve the question of humanity’s identity once and for all. my hope is that the people who think like me can achieve a final victory over the assholes, BUT i’d just as soon see all of the good guys die and leave this world to the sociopaths than continue this struggle for another century or however long it takes us to kill ourselves.