The Notre Dame Police Department Comfort K9 program is currently training Finn and Orla, service dogs meant to help students on campus.

Orla, the 15-month-old fox red labrador retriever, was the first dog of the Comfort K9 program, arriving at Notre Dame in late 2023. She has a calm but lively personality and loves to play fetch on the soccer fields in the back of campus. Paul Foley, manager for the NDPD’s Outreach & Engagement and Social Media, is the primary handler for Orla, with access control coordinator TJ Dockery serving as her back-up handler.

Finn, the 12-month-old yellow labrador retriever, is new to the University’s program this semester and is still undergoing training. He is calm, laid-back and enjoys belly rubs. Finn’s primary handler is officer Evan Drinkall, and his back-up handler is officer Stephanie Palmer.