Looking to host your own IRC? Here are the options you can explore.

The Lounge is a modern web IRC client that packs in useful features like push notifications, file uploads, link previews, and multi-user support. Regarding the user experience, I find it similar to the Rocket.Chat experience, which is an open-source Slack alternative.

Convos is a unique chat application with IRC support that lets you make video calls as well. It manages to keep you online even when you have closed the web browser. So you can still get all the messages, and activities logged.

Kiwi IRC is a more traditional-looking web IRC client with versatile features, and plugin support to extend functionality. The good thing about it is, you get static files, so it should be a hassle-free and reliable experience to host it. You get it with a default IRC network, but you can always use your own.

If you want a feature-rich support, and a traditional experience at the same time, WeeChat can be a nice pick. It is also incredibly small and lightweight to use.

  • pnutzh4x0rOPA
    6 months ago

    For a simple IRC web client, I would also add Gamja, which I self-host along side with the Lounge (mentioned in the article) for a few users.

    That said, my primary client is WeeChat and WeeChat-Android.