Because Notre Dame is a university committed to the pursuit of truth through teaching, learning, inquiry, and dialogue, we are committed fully to the academic freedom of scholars to research and publish the results of their research and to teach in accord with their obligations and training. For the same reason, we are committed to students learning in accord with their obligations, vision, and interests.

The right of free expression does not, of course, extend to speech that threatens violence or constitutes harassment against an individual or a group. Such expressions violate University values and policies and will not be tolerated. We are committed to taking all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of members of our community. In addition, compliance with Notre Dame’s policy regarding time, place, and manner for free expression is essential so that the work of the University—the teaching, learning, research, and intellectual exchange core to our mission—can continue even as we grapple with these important issues. …

Distinct from threats and harassment are remarks that attack a dialogical opponent personally and show contempt. Such language seeks to vilify, rather than counter arguments; it tries to vanquish an opponent, rather than illumine the truth. Although such remarks do not foster dialogue in pursuit of truth, we do not, because of our commitment to freedom of expression, prohibit them or exclude those who make them. They are, however, corrosive of the culture of inquiry we seek to cultivate and certainly do not reflect the values at the core of Notre Dame’s mission.