I hope you say the same thing to every citizen in every repressive regime around the world.
I hope you say the same thing to every citizen in every repressive regime around the world.
Really? My point is it’s not hard to find reasons to dislike him. He’s got a lot of fans (mostly kids) but I’m definitely not one of them, I guess you are, that’s allowed.
Good night.
I’m sure Jimmy doesn’t profit at all from all the money funneled into Beast Philanthropy.
Diddy raised a bunch of money too what’s your point?
desperate to find a reason to hate the guy
Hard to be desperate, there are plenty of reasons to dislike him.
Honestly just believing some pseudo-philanthropic character some guy made up for clicks if fucking weird and people need to learn to think critically about things.
Republicans removed the filibuster only on the issue of judicial nominations.
Which, in hindsight it’s obvious why they wanted to do that, and makes it clear they had a coherent strategy the whole time.
And dijon is the superior mustard. It’s just further proof that some people have more money than sense and just want what they’ve always had.
“If you have a spicy mustard, dijon or something like that.”
I like a nice yellow mustard too but dijon is clearly superior, imagine the outrage if he’d said “gimme that spicy brown” it would’ve been interpreted as some sort of SecretMuslimAntiChristPresident code.
One is his money, the other isn’t.
Has he really or has he just directed sponsors money to organizations he likes?
Also massive fuel subsidies allowing vehicles to just get bigger and bigger, you can’t even find small trucks anymore and there are only a handful of minivan options. EVERYTHING is an SUV!
Any actual notes or thoughts?
Free to be a profit producer for the capital-owning class, free to slip and end up a number in the prison industrial complex. Free to die of a preventable disease, homeless and destitute on the streets. All kinds of freedom!
Oh fuck my sides are in orbit right now.
I’m fuckin dying over here champ I’ve been jerking you around all morning go do some work or something.
Which one did I say? It’s that one.
If you’re having trouble understanding I guess I can make it into an image for you. I know words are hard and some people need pictures, I get it and am willing to make reasonable accommodations for “special” cases.
This is great, you’re over here flailing about braying like a donkey, thinking this is an image board, not even aware who you’re talking to, hilarious.
“you know what I think? I think you’re just upset because you’re underpaid and over valued at your job. your boss probably relies on you too much so you have an inflated sense of worth that has ballooned your ego disproportionately to your skills. I bet you bitch about not getting paid enough but that’s ok because, “that place wouldn’t last a month without me.” deep down you know both are lies. you’re easily replaced and that’s why they pay you shit.”
Oh look it’s projecting! Lol piss off nerd don’t you have a huddle to attend or something.
Forcible penetration by a baseball bat might put things in perspective for him.
I’m sure your senior devs just love working with someone as patient and understanding as you.
Inb4 “I’m the senior” because that would explain a lot
It’s blue, red is also good. Don’t ask how I know.