This is a joke right lol
This is a joke right lol
That isn’t blood
Yeah I was gonna say… I’ll defend Apple sometimes but ultimately this should only be opt-in and they are wrong for not doing that. Full stop.
Good luck!
Probably a dumb question but you tried to sync it right? When you plug it in you have to hold that little button Until the green dots flashes, then hold the sync button on the 360 controller. They should find each other with no fuss. If that’s not working then I’m not sure what’s up!
Reddit is quiet because it’s a shit hole that like 80% of the quality mods abandoned 2 summers ago lol
I sort by hot so people like you can filter for me lol
You answered your own question!
Feel free to be the little junkie spez knows you are no matter how little respect they show the community.
Nah I’m good. I have too much self respect to return to that shithole. All yours.
Guarantee you you don’t need reddit for them.
Nope worked out the gate. What are you using?
Yeah I think it’s obvious they want some brand awareness out of this, but the projects they are funding, like ladybird, really are pretty great
And as a big proton user, I would love one of their lifetime accounts lol
I love this but $300 all in?
Not if you have to encode anything and don’t have a dedicated h.264 encoder with it
Freetube also runs on MacOS!
I don’t need a lecture about the event that I was a part of and left the site over lol. I was one of those mods. Look at my username - spez called us “Landed Gentry” during it.
I agree moderation has gotten a lot worse because of the exit of institutional knowledge/people who cared (as self-serving as that perspective is).
My question is: why are you still there?
Dude for real just say you want free shit. I do too lmao why make up bullshit justifications you don’t even remotely believe?
No they are completely different and it’s definitely important. You’re talking the feds vs. a person attempting a citizen’s arrest.
ACAB sorry man