Alacrity or foot (foot has less features but it’s faster)
The kid doesnt look happy 💀
Damn, from ror2 to valve. That’s something else
Ya, its just some people over exaggerated a bit. As long as you don’t do stuff that obviously tries to mess with core system stuff it should be fine.
We making to the 5% with this one!!! 🗣️💯🙏🔥🔥🔥🔥
Switzerland being based af ngl 😎😎😎
How would this even work when you sometimes can just remove the watermark by photoshoping?
I like eternity personally.
My bad ya I was talking about motorcycles
I find bikes worst then cars, they make more noise in general as well
In terms of WMs, I would say sway and river are the most straightforward to setup, the rest like dwl and hyprland might require more setup for different reasons like hyprland outside of arch but it works well in my machine
Awesome list!!! Thx for your work 🙏
This is wild 💀
Arch probably
Firefox-bin: hello there 😎
I would just use kdenlive personally since the UI is very straightforward. I think almost every distro has kdenlive, and if it isn’t on the package manager of the distro you can install it as a flatpak as well.
Maybe try distros that have more recent updates, might feel less clunky, like nobara, fedora, openSuse (the semi-rolling release version), garuda and PopOs.
Imagine spending time making this crap meme. I would much rather be at work then waste my time shilling corpos
Finally, modern UI. Mint really needed it, less reasons for noobies to not try it out now