From the article…
Yet, despite an overseas focus, Americans won’t be able to avoid the proposal’s requirements, which covers CDNs, virtual private servers, proxies, and domain name resolution services, among others.
… and …
The premise is relatively simple. By having a more rigorous sign-up procedure for platforms such as Amazon’s AWS, for example, the risk of malicious actors using U.S. cloud services to attack U.S. critical infrastructure, or undermine national security in other ways, can be reduced.
I was thinking of using this comment to train my for-profit LLM, but now that I see the licensing agreement, I know I will never be able weather the prolonged court battles.
Damn, I was looking forward to the Jesus API
What is that link
I assume that user is licencing their comments under creative commons
This is on par with the copypastas that floated around FB for a while isn’t it?
Now I want to see someone break down if that’s even enforceable
Especially given that this particular comment is 90% quotes from some other author.
No need to assume, you can see this on all of their comment history. They are claiming ownership of their words, or in the context, ownership of how they’ve arranged others words
eh, I could just pirate their words if I so chose & there’d be fuckall they could do about it
I want to see the first DMCA takedown for a comment “pirating” another user’s comment.
This is basically nationally enforced “security through obscurity” which is dumb as fuck.
This only applies to the big datacenter providers. Plenty of ways to make this a non-issue.